Nvidia wants to use the AI ​​to repair all your granular photos


Your Instagram feed is about to become a lot prettier thanks to artificial intelligence.

NVIDIA teamed up with researchers from Aalto University of Finland and MIT to teach a new trick to an old AI. Their neural network can now fix grainy or pixilated images in your library just by looking at them .

The AIs were able to do a similar job for a while, but in general it took both a so-called noisy image (grainy, pixelated) and noiselessly for the AI ​​to learn to catch up the difference and to clean the photo. This new method, presented this week at the International Conference on Machine Learning in Stockholm (assuming my invitation was lost in the mail?), No longer requires a picture without sound for the AI ​​to remove artifacts, noise, grain, and automatically enhance your photos.

Using deep learning work, the AI ​​can look at these noisy pictures and make them clear even without first looking at a clean picture. In fact, according to their article, artificial intelligence is so good at the task that "performance sometimes exceeding training using own examples" and "[the neural network] is up to the cutting edge methods that use examples." Clean – Using exactly the same method of training, and often without appreciable inconvenience in time or workout performance. "

All that to say that, soon, the grainy photo you tried to break Zac Efron eats carbohydrates will be clean enough to post on Instagram to rake all those sweet likes.

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