EPS for B2Gold Corp. (BTO) expected at $ 0.06


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July 13, 2018 – By Ash

<img src = "http://teletechwire.com/wp-content/uploads/logos/Logos/BTO_TO.png" alt = "B2Gold Corp. (TSE : B2Gold Corp. (TSE: BTO) Logo "style =" float: left; Analysts expect B2Gold Corp. (TSE: BTO) to announce earnings per share of 0 , $ 06 August 8. They expect a change in earnings per share of $ 0.05 or 500.00% over EPS of $ 0.01 in the previous quarter, with analysts at B2Gold Corp. earnings per share of -25.00% after recording earnings per share of $ 0.06, a decrease of 1.52% or $ 0.05 in the last session, to reach 3.23% Approximately 1.03M shares were traded, B2Gold Corp. (TSE: BTO) has been trading at 0.00% since July 13, 2017. It has underperformed the S & P500 by 12.57%.

B2Gold Corp. ., with its subsidiaries, engages in exploration and proprietary development mining companies in Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Colombia, Burkina Faso and Finland.The company has a market capitalization of $ 3.18 billion and is mainly looking for gold, silver and gold deposits. 39, silver and copper. The company's production properties include the La Libertad mine with a concession covering an area of ​​10,950 hectares and the El Limon mine covering an area of ​​12,000 hectares in Nicaragua; the Masbate mine covering an area of ​​about 15,209 hectares in the Philippines; and the Otjikoto mine covering an area of ​​6,933.99 hectares located in Namibia.

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By Ash

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