Jimmy Butler refused Max Timberwolves extension because he is supposed to


Jimmy Butler put the NBA – mainly Timberwolves – Twitter on fire when Darren Wolfson of KSTP reported that the All-Star wing refused a four-year contract extension, maximum of $ 110 million. And for the uninitiated, Friday's news might indicate that Butler does not want to sign up again in Minnesota after this season. But that may end up being the case in the end, it's not necessarily what all of this means.

Here's what he was supposed to do

Butler signed a $ 92.3 million contract extension with the Bulls just before the 2015-16 season. His contract includes a player option on year 5, which he can – and probably – choose to refuse to become a free agent, where he could sign up again with Minnesota or look for a new team to play. The $ 110 million contract offer on the table is a huge amount of money; an average of about 27.5 million dollars a year. But until next summer to sign a contract, Butler significantly increases his net worth.

S & he is waiting for the free agency of 2019 and signs back with Minnesota, he could sign a five-year contract extension of $ 188 million. What would you do with this kind of money? And if he went off to sign elsewhere, Butler would easily win a $ 140 million contract.

The contract extension that the Timberwolves were offering was the maximum that they could give him, but he would be entitled to a 30% contract from the salary cap next summer. Why would not he leave it?

That does not mean that he's going to stay

Jimmy Butler seems to me to be an intelligent and informed person, and the enlightened and informed decision to make here would be to withdraw from her $ 19.8. million players and get a starting salary of $ 32.7 million. He can get it wherever he goes. What the Timberwolves can offer is a fifth year that will bring them $ 48 million.

There have been rumors that he and Kyrie Irving would like to join New York, and the Knicks and Nets will be able to create a ceiling space for up to two free agents. summer. Butler liked an Instagram comment that suggests he's teaming up with Irving on the Knicks next summer. This can not do well with Wolves fans, or with any other fan base that hopes to have a chance at its services.

But that does not mean that he's leaving either. It simply means that he is smart and tries to get the biggest bag possible. If you were in his place, you would do the same thing.

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