Here's everything you need to know about the geological era – Technology News, Firstpost


Welcome to Meghalayan Age ! The history of our planet now has a new chapter that began 4200 years ago and here is everything you need to know about this new geological era.

What is the Meghalayan era?

Geologists divide the existence of the Earth in time slices and have classified a separate age in the history of the Earth and they call it the "Earth". Meghalayan age.

What is the "slice" in which we live?

We are currently living in what is called the Holocene, which reflects everything that has happened over the last 11,700 years. In addition, the Holocene is subdivided into three parts, Greenland, the Northgrippian and the youngest, the Meghalayan.

Greenlanders range from 11,700 to 8,200 years old; the Northgrippan extends from 8,200 to 4,200 years, and finally, the Meghalayan extends from 4,200 years to today

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Is she official?

Yes, indeed. The International Commission on Stratigraphy of has a famous diagram called International Chronostratigraphic Chart, which represents the calendar of the Earth's history, and it has been updated.

The Commission is the official guardian of geological time. ] They had tweeted about the newly named age via an image of the card. However, they then published a correction about the Meghalayan period. This age passes in the present time and not until 1950, they tweeted by mistake.

The official version of the new international chronological map can be found here . Chronological chronological and geological international scale is now available! Nine #Holocene subdivisions: #Greenlandian (11,700 yr b2k) #Northgrippian (8326 years old) #Meghalayan (4200 years before 1950) )

– IUGS (@theIUGS) July 13, 2018

What is it? what is a geological age, and how is it calculated?

You can not really guess the age of a rock by looking at it. Yet, at school, children learn that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old and that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago and so on. So, how do scientists really identify these ages?

They do this by something called geological dating, where they attribute an age to a material, like a rock, and then calculate the earth's history by relating it to time. with a major event in Earth's past, such as the disintegration of continents, dramatic changes in the climate and more.

This discipline is called geochronology and involves serious detective work by scientists

. name of age, time, material (like a rock) and a major event.

In the present era, age, as we all know, is called the 'Meghalayan & # 39; and the calculated time is 4,200 years.

This raises the question: what is the material found by geologists?

It's a rock! A stalagmite was found in the state of Meghalaya, in northeastern India, which provided chemical signatures. or those who do not know it, a stalagmite is a type of rock formation that forms on the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of ceiling drops.

This concept of the Meghalayan era, according to a report by the BBC was first proposed a few years ago, in a newspaper .

  Part of an Indian stalagmite that sets the beginning of Meghalayan age. Image: IUGS webiste

Part of an Indian stalagmite that defines the beginning of Meghalayan's age. Image: IUGS webiste

Why is it called "Meghalayan"?

The evidence was found in the state of Meghalaya in India, and so it is that the new era takes its name.

Finally, what was the event? The BBC report showed that the Meghalayan era began when a mega-drought devastated civilizations around the world, whose effects lasted two centuries. It has severely disrupted civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the Yangtze Valley

For those who dream of traveling back in time, Do not wait for water.

What is the debate around the Meghalayan era then?

The new is always greeted with objections, and here is why some researchers opposed the creation of the Meghalaya.

Currently, is still an active debate on the attribution of a new slice of geological time, other than the Holocene, and is called the Anthropocene.

Mark Maslin is a professor of geography at University College London, told the BBC, "It's official, we are in a new era, who knew?" mocking the abrupt imposition of the time.

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