China censors social media publications on vaccine scandal


President Xi Jinping may have described China's latest scandal as "appalling", but censors still closely monitor social media users who air their views on the subject, while state-run media accuses some groups of the government has banned vaccine coverage from Tuesday.

According to a project of the Center for Journalism and Media Studies of the University of Hong Kong, which controls censorship on Weibo, the Chinese word for "vaccine" was one of the most Restricted Sunday and Monday.

Fu King-wa, an assistant professor who runs the project, known as Weiboscope, also said that the rate at which scandal-related posts were filtered peaks on Sunday. Chinese President Xi Jinping orders the crackdown on the appalling "scandal" of the vaccine

. A post suppressed by the censors said: "For every 10,000 positions listed out of the 120,000 accounts checked, 63 have been blocked.The people of the drug and vaccine regulator should resign immediately, it's shameful!" 19659002] Another who disappeared said: "When everyone in the country rushes to get milk powder and vaccines elsewhere … more people will understand why Hong Kong and Macau are rejecting the system [mainland]. "

Despite the deletions, Fu said that the government had not completely blocked the discussion of the scandal, which concerns the production of substandard DTP vaccines (diphtheria, whooping cough – also known as the name of pertussis and tetanus) by the Chinese. Changsheng Bio-technology

Due to the huge number of publications on the subject, the government "basically allows people to mention the incident or disseminate information about it, including references to official media ". 19659004] As the new vaccine scandal seizes China, parents say that they have lost faith in the system

However, Fu said that according to Weiboscope's figures, which monitors selected microbloggers who have more of 1,000 followers the current level of censorship was higher for the current scandal than in 2016 for a similar incident involving dangerous vaccines that caused the deaths of four people

. He added that 53 messages had been erased for every 10,000 messages.

Meanwhile, Chinese state media mitigated the reporting of the incident after publishing Xi's comments during his trip to Africa. Keqiang late Saturday night.

Li said that a "moral bottom line" had been crossed and promised "severe punishment would be imposed on all those who [violated the safety standards]", according to a report by the public broadcaster CCTV

However, this It was not the first time that Li had been committed to cleaning up the vaccine industry. He made the same promise more than two years ago in response to a similar scandal.

The Chinese vaccination system was tainted by corruption, weak regulations and shortages of personnel

China Morning Post that the relevant authorities issued an order prohibiting coverage of the vaccine scandal from of Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Hu Xijin, editor of the Chinese tabloid Global Times accused some social media users of exploiting the scandal to criticize the country.

"Many people feel troubles about the vaccine incident … but there are also a few who are trying to reduce the positive impacts of the government." The Vaccine Incident has made people anxious and angry, but the whole country is not as bad as the way a small group of people passionately promotes it. "

Changs heng Bio-tech, the vaccine maker behind China's latest public health alert

According to the Jilin Food and Drug Administration, where Changsheng Bio-technology is based, the company has sold about 252,600 non-compliant DTC vaccines to the Shandong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the # 39; agency in charge of public health in a province of about 100 million.The drugs were administered to children as young as three months.

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