African animal rights activists walk 4,200 km to raise elephants, rhinoceros awareness


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Jim Justus Nyamu, an animal rights activist and researcher, led a team of 10 people from Nairobi, South Africa, on Saturday to an awareness campaign

The 4,200-kilometer walk will be completed in 160 days

Nyamu said: "Today we begin the march from Nairobi to Johannesburg. We want to cover a total of 4,200 kilometers. The goal of this walk is to educate people about the distress of Africa's elephant.

"We must find a common way to address the underlying challenges that include poaching …. among others."

Nyamu said that elephant and rhinoceros populations in Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe are worried about the illegal sale of ivory horns and rhinos.

In 2017, Nyamu, commonly referred to as "The Elephant," was invited to the House of Lords after traveling 100 kilometers from London to Bristol. , calling on Europe to ban ivory trophies.

This article has been adapted from its original source.

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