American woman faces indignation after taking a picture with a "rare" animal killed


The images of an American trophy hunter proudly posing next to a black giraffe that she shot in South Africa cause a wave of outrage online, a year on that they have been posted.

In the photos, a woman identified as Tess Thompson Talley, 37, of Kentucky, can be seen standing and sitting next to the animal killed while carrying her rifle. "The white American savage who is partly Neanderthal comes to Africa and kills a very rare black giraffe of South African stupidity," wrote the Twitter account Africa Digest next to the images

. It has been retweeted more than 44,000 times and has received over 26,000 "I like" endorsements.

In the comments section, thousands of people have expressed their anger against Talley's actions and the controversial practice. "Why do these murderers think they've done something cool? Something they can be proud of?" A user, identified as Interned Baby wrote. "She used a pistol to shoot an animal that can not escape very quickly from its range and that does not have its own rifle.How is it still sport?" I hope really that people will rot in hell for what they do to animals. "

Another added:" It's really heartbreaking that this can go on.Not only do I have no respect for this woman I have a total disregard for her, it was never her giraffe to murder in the first place. "Thompson has also drawn the wrath of many celebrities, including the actor and the comedian Ricky Gervais and musician Moby .

Thompson was not without his supporters, however. Many users have pointed out that trophy hunting is legal in many African countries, including Tanzania, Namibia and South Africa. "What nonsense She is a hunter We allow and encourage hunting as an important tourist activity and above which you play the race card Stephen Louw wrote (19459007). [19659009] Follow this story and much more by subscribing now

Not Found ]  RTS1SJRR Toy, a 10-day old female The giraffe named after the song "Toy" by Israeli singer Netta Barzilai, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest Song 2018, is seen with his mother Laila at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem on May 21, 2018. Images of an American Trophy Hunter posing near a dead person The giraffe has caused huge reactions online Reuters

Trophy hunting does not take place It is not only legal in many places: it represents a global industry of $ 2 billion and, despite the repercussions in some countries, shows no signs slowing down. A report published in 2016 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare showed that no less than 1.7 million "trophies" were traded between countries between 2004 and 2014, of which 200 000 came from endangered species. In South Africa, where the incident took place, elephants, buffaloes and even lions can be hunted, reports USA Today .

Advocates of trophy hunting claim that the product of the practice provides funds to support local communities. Conservation efforts. However, critics are also quick to call the procedure cruel and detrimental to the protection of endangered species.

The United States accounts for 71% of import demand, about 15 times more than Germany and Spain. Conservation groups have come together in recent months to put pressure on the Trump administration to eradicate import permits for South African lions.

Talley first posted the images on social networks last year after a hunting trip to South Africa. "The prayers for my dream hunt, once in life, have become reality today," she wrote in the post that has since been deleted or made private. "He spotted this rare black giraffe bull and tracked it for a while, I knew it was the only one." He was over 18, 4,000 pounds and was lucky enough to be able to to get 2,000 pounds of meat from him. "

The images went largely unnoticed until they were shared on Twitter by Africa Digest in June

. statement to Fox News Talley stated that the giraffe was not a rare breed, even though she boasted of being a "rare black giraffe bull" when she shared the photo for the first time in 2017. She also claimed that the giraffe was too much. He had a habit of breeding and had killed three young bulls capable of breeding. "It's called conservation by game management," she wrote, pointing out that her practice was not a "canned hunt".

Paul Rose, of the Animal Behavior Research Center at Exeter University, confirmed that Talley was not particularly rare or a black giraffe. "[Black giraffes not] not a specific species or subspecies of giraffe," he told Newsweek . "It's an adult giraffe." And from the stain pattern, it looks like a Cape giraffe (one of nine subspecies) .The male giraffes become darker as they "grow." they age, and some may end up with black or very dark spots. "

The South African giraffe, also known as Cape Giraffes, is native to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Mozambique. In 2016, their wild population was estimated at 31,500 individuals. The same year, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature transferred the species of "Least Concern" to "Vulnerable" on its report Red List of Threatened Species, which means that the animal could be threatened with extinction in the medium term if no precautionary measures Nick Weston, campaign manager at League Against Cruel Sports, rejected Talley's defenses and said: "Trophy hunting is a disease and it's time that it be eradicated before it is too late. "

There are always people who like to kill animals to have fun, let alone to pose with the dead body of their victim He told Newsweek . "Many trophy hunters operate under the false pretense that trophy hunting is good for conservation, when all they do is pockets of corrupt businessmen and officials."

Talley did not immediately respond to Newsweek s request for comment.

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