Are you afraid of heights? A virtual whale ride can simply relieve your phobia


People who had lived with fear of heights for decades became less frightened after the virtual reality therapy that saw them ride a flying whale, researchers said Thursday.

A specialized team including psychologists and computer scientists They confirmed the acrophobes through a series of simulations of virtual reality, after which they all announced "a reduction of fear," they announced.

VR-based treatments concluded: With a virtual "coach" to guide people through treatment, the new method could offer an inexpensive way to provide care to people who can not afford or access to a therapist face-to-face. 19659002] The VR coach uses the recorded voice of an actor

The fear of heights, the most common phobia, affects one in five people at some point in their lives, according to researchers who published their findings in the medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry [19659002] Most never receive treatment.

For the last study, the team recruited 100 volunteers. Half received VR treatment and the other half not, to allow comparison.

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