As ticks reach record numbers, take precautions


(HealthDay) -As the tick population increases in the US this summer, a doctor says the best way to avoid ticks be infected with diseases wear protective clothing and carefully check your body after every trip in the woods.

Just last week, a new study found that ticks have spread in recent years and that they are now reported in areas that have never seen ticks before . Even worse, these bad critters contain bacteria and parasites that cause serious diseases, including Lyme disease and babesiosis.

Ticks with disease were detected in 83 counties in 24 states where they had never been found. "People should be aware of ticks and tick-borne diseases, even if they think that there is no incidence recorded in a county," said L & # Author Nate Nieto, associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences of Northern Arizona University. "These things, they do not obey the borders, they go by the biology, if they are moved there by a deer or a bird or people or pets, they go and establish themselves and to start growing up. "

More ticks come more diseases.

In May, the US Centers for Disease Control reported that tick-borne diseases doubled between 2004 and 2016.

Why the big jump?

According to Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, "the current increase in tick-borne diseases is the result of a combination of factors, including a much shorter winter and softer, combined with a greater number of acorns produced by oaks, which, in turn, increased the food supply for mice and other rodents that serve as hosts for these ticks. "

So, how can you still enjoy nature?

" The fact that we do not have a vaccine to eliminate tick-borne diseases means that we need to take extra precautions to avoid their exposure to our environment "Glatter pointed out.

" It's important to check if there are ticks in places in your body that you might not consider, "he noted. "This includes behind the knee, especially after hiking in the woods or on horseback."

And there are still more unusual places on your body to consider and check

" In a patient who I discovered and removed a tick in the nose, but it's not a common place to find a tick embedded, but that's not impossible because ticks are looking for a shelter and hot areas to hide, "explained Glatter

. have also removed ticks on the buttocks, and in other cases on the lips of the vagina as well as on the scrotum and penis shaft, "he added." In these cases, people were sitting and frolicking in wooded or grassy areas, often just in swimsuits or shorts without underwear. "

Even the belly button is not immune to a tick bite And routine checks of the ears, scalp, ankles, and legs are always judicious, says Glatter.

"I also removed the ticks between patients' toes after walking barefoot in the "I recommend that people do not walk barefoot in the woods for this simple reason, in addition to the risk of a puncture or a foot injury too."

Even your back -cour might not be a safe place, although ticks tend to prefer woods and grasslands. "The only surefire way to prevent tick-borne diseases is to reduce the risk of tick bites". "I recommend using an insect repellent, DEET (at least 20%) and wearing long sleeves and pants as a tick protection measure if you are gardening, hiking or walking in the mountains. wood. 19659004] It is even smarter to apply a repellent like permethrin to socks, boots, pants and tents, he added. While DEET can only repel ticks, permethrin kills them within 10 to 30 seconds of exposure.

And do not forget to check your pets after each outing. If you see ticks, remove them as much as possible using a pair of tweezers, to prevent body parts from ticks being left behind, Glatter says: [19659004 If you are bitten by a tick, you should see a doctor. disease, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Learn more:
So you found a check mark. You are worried about Lyme disease. Now what?

More information:
Robert Glatter, MD, Emergency Physician, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York; July 12, 2018, PLOS One online

Visit the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control to learn more about ticks.

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