Asian markets advance, with China taking the lead; yuan slips


The markets of Greater China have also followed earlier. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index rose 0.94% in the morning trade, while the sharp increases in the real estate and construction sector, in the industry and in the materials, pushed the index up. On the mainland, the Shanghai Composite jumped 1.05%, making gains in the region.

In South Korea, Kospi reversed earlier declines of 0.22% as markets examined recent corporate earnings. Posco Steelmaker rose 1.26% despite estimates of missing profits on Monday as shipbuilders tumbled into the morning trade. Samsung Heavy Industries and Hyundai Heavy Industries fell respectively 4.13% and 2.51% after reporting operating losses.

Down Under, the S & P / ASX 200 dropped 0.58% as its sub-index of health care rose in the morning. The MSCI Asia-Pacific ex Japan index rose 0.43% during the morning session in Asia

Gains in the region were marked by a mixed closing on Wall Street in night session, the United States has grown to a record level. Until the main technical names announce the results for the quarter.

Google, Alphabet, jumped after the company announced expectations – topping profits and second-quarter earnings on Monday. Facebook and Amazon are expected to release company results on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.

More than 17% of S & P 500 companies reported results for the previous quarter on Monday, with 82% of them, according to FactSet.

It is also worth noting the rise in US Treasury yields, which followed the volatility observed in the Japanese government bond market on Monday. The 10-year US Treasury Note yield rose 7 basis points to 2.96% after the 10-year Japanese note yield reached its highest level since February.

"The 10 (base point) steepening of the Japanese yield curve is massive in the context of a market that rarely moves more than 1 (basis point)," analysts ANZ said in an early morning note

that the Bank of Japan is holding preliminary discussions on the possibility of adjusting its policy, focusing on ways to make its stimulus package more sustainable.

"Market Movements are Probably Exacerbated by Low Liquidity ANZ analysts have added that central banks are reducing their purchases as the US bond offer increases significantly." President Trump "He did not hide his dislike for tightening the Fed, which helped accentuate the curve." 659003] Trump had said in a recent CNBC interview that he was "not thrilled" to the Federal Reserve by raising interest rates as this would hinder economic recovery.

Prompt, Bank of Japan and Federal Reserve meetings are expected next week To be more closely watched by markets for more indexes on politics.

In currencies, the dollar has traced some of its recent losses in the midst of rising yields of US Treasuries. The dollar index , which tracks the US dollar against a basket of peers, was mostly stable at 94.615. Against the yen, the dollar traded at 111.17 at 9:44 am HK / SIN, but was still above the levels around the handful of 110 seen during Monday's trading of Asia.

Meanwhile, the yuan has extended its offshore trade losses earlier. The yuan traded at 6.8098 for a dollar at 10.02 HK / SIN while the offshore yuan was traded at 6.8221 – about 0.3 percent below its last close.

Asian companies to announce quarterly results on Tuesday include Mitsubishi Motors

In the individual movers, shares of Changsheng Biotechnology fell 9.96% as Tuesday's drops were recorded after six consecutive falls. The company is currently involved in a scandal of vaccine standards in China.

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