Attorney General suspended again – Nehanda Radio


Ray Hamilton Goba

Goba confirmed his suspension to the Daily News yesterday, while refusing to comment further. "Yes, I was suspended," he said only.

But sources have said that he was facing a series of allegations, ranging from his alleged failure to prosecute cases of high-profile corruption to the alleged misuse of Namibia.

The sources also claimed that the complainant the matter was the Minister of Justice Ziyambi Ziyambi – whose wife Florence, reportedly had several troubles with Goba.

Florence, who is Goba's deputy, was in March, she was assigned to the presidential office and the firm, where she now works as a government lawyer.

One of the sources told the Daily News that the secretary of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC), Walter Chikwanha, would have written to Ziyambi about the investigation – the case having then passed on to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who formally opened the investigation.

It was after the Department of Justice ruled that there were "sufficient grounds" for a preliminary inquiry.

Goba could face several penalties if he was found guilty of the allegations he faces, including warnings and his total dismissal, depending on the circumstances.

Article 259 (7) of the Constitution stipulates that the PG may be removed from office only by a court, following a judicial inquiry.

Goba was fired last year by former President Robert Mugabe, who canceled Misheck Sibanda, chief secretary of the president and cabinet, who, ironically, had already published the previous Gazette confirming his nomination.

Goba was considered sympathetic to Mnangagwa at the time, who previously held the dual role of Vice President and Minister of Justice – before his powers were initially reduced by Mugabe in a cabinet reshuffle before 39 Be the fire Later, the government and Zanu PF late 2017.

Goba had been appointed to this post by Mugabe, having served one year in an acting capacity after the suspension and dismissal of his predecessor, Johannes Tomana.

Goba maintained his position when Mnangagwa took over the reins of government, following Mugabe's fall from power last November

This followed a military operation called Operation Restore Legacy, which saw the nonagenarian and his father. Hated wife Grace placed under house arrest

The curtain fell on Mugabe on November 21, when he resigned a few moments before the parliament set in motion the impeachment process. Daily News.

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