Axios Sneak Peek – July 29, 2018


During the White House discussions on renewable energy, President Trump said – more than once and to the delight of senior administration officials – "I hate the wind!"

  • Trump has a visceral hatred of wind turbines. He thinks it is terrible returns on investment that freezes the coasts and obstruct the views, say sources directly to Axios.
  • Trump even told officials to "think of all the birds" that wind turbines kill, although sources familiar with these comments tell us that they doubt that the president really cares about endangered wildlife.

Yet Axios' Amy Harder writes that the Trump administration is working hard to promote wind farms along the Atlantic coast.

  • The Trump Interior Department works with the Democratic State governments to lease federal waters for wind off Massachusetts and neighboring states, and is also working to streamline making it easier to create offshore wind farms. for companies.

Why That Matters: The Trump Administration's Energy Policies reveal an extraordinary gap between the President and his administration.

"His policy is that wherever he goes, he likes what he has" said a source with direct knowledge of the internal discussions on the energy of the White House. "Even if it's contrary to what he said in the last place, he's just telling everyone what he wants to hear, that's his energy policy."

  • In response to Axios reports for this story Gidley said the president had asked Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Secretary of State for the Interior Ryan Zinke " to promote and execute policies within their departments to achieve energy dominance and energy independence. "
  • and clearly in its commitment to continue drastically reducing regulatory burdens that have stifled the growth of the energy industry for too long. "

But deeper Axios plunges into Trump's energy policies, plus we find a twisted administration in ideological knots:

1. In private conversations with officials of the administration, [19459005Trumpsaidheloveshydroelectricityyethehasnotpubliclysupportedwhatwouldhelpthemost:Congresslegislationisspeedinguptheprocessoffederallicensing

2. Trump supports his deregulation efforts – and they have been substantial – but in two huge areas he does the opposite:

  • He aggressively supports a federal mandate on ethanol at the 39 EPA requiring refiners to blend biofuels with gasoline The energy department plans to use decades-old laws to support coal and nuclear power plants in difficulty This would represent the largest government intervention in the electricity markets for decades, perhaps never.

"The biggest contradiction", the source with direct knowledge of the internal discussions says, is that "Trump will literally say" we "I will save coal" and in the next sentence we will become "independent of" "energy." You can not do both. The natural gas boom is at the expense of coal. "

Go Further: Read the full story in the Axios feed.

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