B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) ROA of 0.049529 & Quant Review


In trying to determine the profitability of a company per dollar of assets, we can examine the return on the company's assets. Return on assets is calculated by dividing [thecompany'sannual net income [usually annual income] by its total assets and is displayed as a percentage. At the time of writing, B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) holds 0.049529 ROA. The measure is commonly used to compare the performance of companies within the same industry because it is very difficult for anyone to conceal the business figure. Thus, the ratio is a fairly reliable and comparable measure of the performance of assets in an industry.

Individual investors are constantly hearing about the next hot stock to buy. Acting solely on these types of tips can be dangerous for the portfolio if the research is not completed. Sometimes these stock tips will unfold and be correct, other times they may let the investor wonder why they acted on speculative advice. Even if a stock market advice is correct, the results may already have been manifested and the investor would simply be setting up too late. Knowing what information is reliable can greatly improve the chances of making smarter stock choices. Even the most popular stocks may not be able to withstand a general slowdown in the market.

Valuation Scores

By verifying certain valuation classifications, B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) has a Value Composite score of 30. Developed by James O 'Shaughnessy, the VC score utilizes five valuation ratios. These ratios are price / earnings, cash flow, EBITDA to EV, book value and sales price. The resume is displayed in the form of a number between 1 and 100. In general, a firm with a score closer to 0 would be considered undervalued, and a score closer to 100 would indicate an overvalued company. By adding a sixth ratio, Shareholder Return, we can see the Value Composite 2 score which is currently at 34.

B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) has a current MF filing of 7970. Developed by hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt, the intention of the formula is to spot high quality companies that are trading at an attractive price. The formula uses ROIC and profit-return ratios to find undervalued quality stocks. In general, companies with the lowest combined rank can be top quality choices.

Price to book ratio or market to book ratio for B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is currently at 1.540440. The ratio is calculated by dividing the share price per share by the book value per share. This ratio is used to determine how the market values ​​equity. A ratio of less than 1 usually indicates that stocks are undervalued. A ratio greater than 1 indicates that the market is willing to pay more for the shares. There are often many underlying factors that come into play with the Price to Book ratio, so all additional metrics must also be taken into account.

Have you ever wondered how investors predict a positive stock price momentum? The Cross SMA 50/200, also known as "Golden Cross" is the fifty-day moving average divided by the two-day moving average. The SMA 50/200 for B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is currently 0.95663. If the gold cross is greater than 1, the 50-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average, indicating a positive momentum of the stock price. If the gold cross is less than 1, the 50-day moving average is below the 200-day moving average, indicating that the price may fall.

The Leverage Ratio of B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 0.252624. Leverage ratio is the total debt of a company divided by the total assets of the current year and the past year divided by two. Companies are indebted to finance their daily operations. The leverage ratio can measure a company's share of capital that comes from debt. With this ratio, investors can better estimate the ability of a company to pay its financial obligations in the long and short term.


Market volatility is a percentage that indicates whether a security is a desirable purchase. Investors are looking at Volatility 12m to determine whether a company has a low percentage of volatility or not during a year. The volatility 12m of B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 28.576200. This is calculated by taking the weekly normal log yields and the standard deviation of the price of the stock over an annualized year. The lower the number, the lower the volatility. Volatility 3m is a similar percentage determined by the daily normal daily yields and the standard deviation of the price of the stock over 3 months. The volatility 3m of B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 21.203100. The 6m volatility is the same except measured over a six month period. The 6m Volatility is 30.368900

Quant Scores

The Q.i.The Value of B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 39.00000. The Q.i.Value is a useful tool for determining whether a company is undervalued or not. Q.i.The value is calculated using the following ratios: EBITDA Return, Earnings Return, FCF Return and Liquidity. The lower the Q.i. value, the higher the society is underestimated.

The Piotroski F-Score is a rating system between 1-9 that determines the financial strength of a company. The score helps to determine if the stock of a company is valuable or not. Piotroski's F-Score from B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 6. A score of nine indicates a high value stock, while a score of one indicates a low value stock. The score is calculated based on the return on assets (ROA), the return on liquid assets (CFROA), the change in return on assets and the quality of profits. It is also calculated based on the evolution of the debt ratio or the leverage effect, the liquidity and the variation of the shares outstanding. The score is also determined by the change in gross margin and the change in the turnover of assets

The M-Score, designed by accounting professor Messod Beneish, is a model for detecting whether a firm has manipulated its income or not. . B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) has an M-Score of -2.210789. The M-Score is based on 8 different variables: the customer sales index, the gross margin index, the asset quality index, the sales growth index, the depreciation index, the index of general and administrative expenses and the total assets. A score above -1.78 is an indicator that the company could manipulate their numbers.

The Gross Margin Score is calculated by looking at the Gross Margin and the overall stability of the company over a period of 8 years. The score is a number between one and one hundred (1 being the best and 100 being the worst). Gross profit margin of B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) is 43.00000. The more stable the company, the lower the score. If a company is less stable over time, it will have a better score.

Set specific goals and create a comprehensive stock trading strategy can be of great help to the individual investor. Some investors are only interested in buying and holding strategies, while others choose to take advantage of short-term market movements. Investors may also decide to do a little bit of both. They can choose a selection of stocks that they plan to hold for a long time, and they can choose others that they plan to hold only for a short period of time. Whichever way the investor decides to go, they should be ready to complete all the research. Whether they want to study the fundamentals, techniques, or both, finding quality stocks can be at the forefront of research.

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