Bad blood and a big mouth: why bitter daddy Meghan Markle will end up ruining their relationship for good


  Meghan Markle

Karwai Tang / WireImage

When Meghan Markle accepted Prince Harry's marriage proposal she knew that joining the royal family would come with his inevitable traps .

There were catty stories of his former best friend Ninaki Priddy as well as an easily forgettable ex-boyfriend. And, like a moth, his half-sister, Samantha Markle takes the opportunity to add 2 pence (and does not seem to have stopped talking – or tweeting – since)

. ] But no training of the Duchess could have prepared Meghan for the news that her father was also in collusion with the press.

Thomas Markle decided to create his own pap photos, so that he could "control" his image, was surprising but, just days before the royal wedding, pride was swallowed and Meghan was still begging his father to accompany him into the aisle (he later refused the invitation after suffering a heart attack that forced him to undergo a procedure]

The naivety that led Thomas to to conclude an agreement so poorly conceived with the press was excusable at the time.There was a man who had chosen to retire to a small coastal town in Mexico in order to lead a quiet life away from the spotlight. The media attention that accompanied his daughter marrying the Windsor home was overwhelming.So even though it was an embarrassing mistake, no lasting harm was caused

  Thomas Markle [19659002] MEGA </p>
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As we were in Two months after this fairy-tale wedding, all the excuses representing the former director of lighting as a defenseless victim of the media intrusion are now out of the limelight. window while he continues to seek the limelight of being the father of a new Duchess. to work privately mend his relationship with his daughter, he seems content to taunt Meghan via media interviews. Judging by his inability to shut up, one would think that he really likes to have his name in the headlines.

"If I chose in a month, or two months, to go to England, I want to see my daughter, I think about it," said Thomas The Sun earlier this month. "I do not care if she's upset or not … I'm not going to wave flags and ridicule myself, I'll find a hotel room and I'll try to reach them."

Somewhere something is not really calculated there.

If recent history is something to do, he will choose to bring the paparazzi for the tour too. (It's not that they would not be everywhere on him, whatever.)

But this weekend, Thomas's attacks have hit a new low. In an explosive interview with The Mail On Sunday, which took place for a grueling nine hours in three days, Thomas said his daughter would be "nothing without me." I made her the Duchess that she is aujourd & # 39; hui. did it.

Is it possible that this 74-year-old man is jealous of his own daughter?

  Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Marriage of Celia McCorquodale

Geoff Robinson

He continued, "They that Meghan treats his father in a manner that the mother of Harry, Princess Diana would have hated, which is not what Diana meant. "

Arm the name of Princess Diana. Meghan with a heartbreaking riddle. Dare to bring Harry's mother into the conversation means that even if Meghan decides to forgive his father, Thomas's chances of having a relationship with Prince Harry are almost impossible (it's likely that he'll have the same link ] shares with his in-laws, the Middletons, now a little more than a pipe dream). Which couple do not know how hard it can be when there is a tense relationship with the in-laws?

But Thomas himself also said the Mail on Sunday "I'm mad if ever Harry"

His insistence on baiting the royal family ("Who cares about these days of an old dusty crown? "), while also relaying the candid details of the private phone conversations between him and his new son-in-law, only signaled that he should not be trusted in himself. given that more exposure to the royal family would give him more to talk with the press, this could explain why Meghan and Harry allegedly avoided his calls since he gave this television interview to Good Morning Britain June When he refers to the silence since his last conversation with his daughter, he says, "I could die soon, does she want it to be the last thing we said to ourselves?"

Thomas claims his The only motivation to talk so much is to have a relationship with his daughter, but considering that he has resorted to emotional blackmail, he seems more determined to destroy any chance that He has for a reconciliation.

"The unfortunate thing for me now," he said on GMB "it's that I'm a footnote in one of the greatest moments of the story, rather than the father who accompanied him in the alley. "

He failed to satisfy his daughter's request or because he was not the center of attention, but his continued public harassment towards his daughter made sure that it was not just a note in Meghan's story.

Harry had the heat last Christmas for saying that, joining the fam In fact, Meghan had acquired the family that she had never had. Unfortunately, as the world now knows, he was pretty well placed.

Unfortunately, this nightmare of Meghan seems far from over. "I tell you, I almost reached my limit on Meghan and the royal family," exclaimed Thomas at the Mail on Sunday . "I'm about to unload them."


"They want me to keep quiet, they want me to go away, but I will not be silenced," he insists. "I refuse to be quiet."

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