Blood Moon 2018: The World Will not End – The Astronomer Explodes the Predecessors of the Apocalypse | Bizarre | New


The total lunar eclipse will paint the full moon from a deep red to orange on the night of Friday, July 27.

The astronomical event, which occurs in the East twice a year, is presented as a biblical sign of the

But a team of Dubai-based astronomers rejected these assertions bizarre and demolished the science behind the lunar spectacle

According to Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri, from the Dubai Astronomy Group, the Moon of Blood. The eclipse is a "very natural astronomical phenomenon".

The astronomer told the Khaleej Times: "People have a misconception about the eclipse."

"This lunar eclipse is very long, people are scared." Many people have a bad perception that it's a bad thing. "

" This kind of superstitions surrounds this kind of phenomenon. " 19659005 "We tell everyone that none of this is true, it is a very natural event. observed. "

Earlier this month, Indiana Christian Pastor Paul Begley claimed that the Blood Moon was predicted by the apocalyptic prophecies of the Bible.

The end-of-world preacher says that the Moon of Blood can be found in the Book of Joel, Book of Revelation and Acts Chapter 2. [19659002InnursuitofMay27thofthyearroughyourreligiousnessandthiswasgivenheartwhenthewindenwasapproach

Pastor Begley said: "Study the scriptures and discover that the Blood Moon has been prophesied prophetically from the last days. Look at all the signs. "

But Mr. Al Hariri had a much more grounded explanation of the Moon Moon eclipse.

The expert said:" The lunar eclipse is a geometry of three bodies that makes the white and luminous moon blush?

"Now, how does it happen?" When the sun, the earth and the moon are lined up, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon and we see what we call the "moon." lunar eclipse

"Usually during the lunar eclipse, which we see about twice a year in different places around the world, the moon passes in a short time above or below the shadows in partial levels or at fast speeds

"But this lunar eclipse has a peculiarity because it starts from the center and this geometry eclipses.

During eclipse, refracted sunlight scattered around the Earth's atmosphere will paint the red moon.

The same effect, known as the Raleigh scatter, paints the blue sky during the day, and orange during sunsets.

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