Break the BRICS Coalition for March in Sandton


The leaders of the emerging countries of BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa meet in Johannesburg this week.

According to Trevor Ngwane of the coalition, the annual summit leaves much to be desired.

"We are against their anti-worker, anti-poor and destructive policies for the environment that they are trying to impose everywhere," says Ngwane.

Ngwane says China pays starvation wages and attacks unions.

He says that in Russia, there is no real freedom.

"[Vladimir] Putin is an elected dictator, Putin allows journalists to be killed."

Ngwane adds that the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is illegally occupying Kashmir and that in Brazil, a constitutionally elected president has been kidnapped and imprisoned.

"In South Africa [Cyril] Ramaphosa still has to answer what happened to the people of Marikana."

Listen below:

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