#BRICS – SA civil org calls for mitigation of US trade war


JOHANNESBURG – The South African National Civic Organization (Sanco) said on Tuesday that it hoped the 10th BRICS summit will explore ways to mitigate the threat that the United States-led trade war poses to emerging economies.

Earlier this month , US President Donald Trump from $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods as part of his new tariffs to protect national security and the intellectual property of American businesses. China retaliated, responding with similar sized tariffs on U.S. products.

SANCO National Spokesman Jabu Mahlangu said that the invitation extended to African leaders to promote intra-trade promotion on the continent and shared benefits for BRICS trade partners.

"South Africa must use the opportunity to expand markets Bridging the benefits of profitability for the benefit of the economy and the creation of bricks and mortar, "Mahlangu said.

" The strengths of South Africa's trade partners and opportunities that are presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. "

The 10th BRICS Summit will be held from Wednesday to Friday in Johannesburg.

– African News Agency (ANA)

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