#BRICS … There are real benefits for Durban


Durban – KWAZULU-NATAL, and especially the Durban-based companies, are expected to see tangible benefits in the millions of rand at the BRICS Business Council meeting in the city this weekend.

Discussions between the 25 members of the Council, consisting of representatives of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, chaired by Mr. Iqbal Survé, President Sekunjalo, will take place next week in Johannesburg.

In addition to the short-term revival of the event market that spans millions of rand and the city's international exposure, the talks should lead to long-term business growth and growth. # 39; industry. Musa Makhunga, the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: "Local businesses can benefit from infrastructure programs, access to alternative financing models and capital, a better market access in the BRICS countries and enrich our workforce. "

Chamber members will represent the business world at the top, and Makhunga said they would report" some of the tangible benefits that will be available for busi "Discussions may set a policy that dictates direct benefits to Ordinary employees, businesses, contractors and potential employees, these discussions can / should lead to the creation of jobs and the creation of opportunities in our local market, "he said. .

Trade relations between countries are one of the key themes of Makhunga. The Local Business Sector

"As much as" buying local "is important to our local economy, we can not ignore our trade agreements with international trading partners." 19659002 "We are committed to working for an attractive and welcoming investment environment for local and foreign investors that reflects an optimally constructive balance between the two."

The chamber, he said, believed that trade missions and agreements were advancing the development agenda of Thekwini and Africa. and businesses have full access to an international network, as well as access to international markets.

In the short term, however, tourism "This is an opportunity to show what Durban has to offer and we must show the best of ourselves and show the world that Durban is a city for the world. This can lead to long-term exposure, especially for the hotel, lodging, restaurants, catering and even retail.

"Host special events when you're in business." "International events like this one can create great publicity and be an incredible publicity for businesses and the city." These international conferences have the potential to create a multiplier effect across employment areas, Phindile Makwakwa , acting director of Tourism KZN, said the BRICS represented a valuable opportunity to introduce the province to potential investors and potential investors.

"This will be a platform for form for local businesses to interact with their counterparts in BRICS countries and create fruitful business links.

"Our research shows that delegates of this size will spend about 6400 rand a day during their stay and that the estimated impact will be in the order of 5.7 million rand for two nights. housed in 4 and 5 star establishments.

"Hosting a global event of this nature raises the profile of our destination on a global scale – not only as a tourist destination but also as a hub for potential investors.

"As KZN, we already have marketing initiatives in China and India, which is a major accelerator for these initiatives," said Makwakwa.

On the other side of the province, Richards Bay also hopes to attract international investors to the area, and has presented the facilities to the Industrial Development Zone at a meeting earlier this week.

Pumi Motsoahae, CEO, pointed out its strategic location next to the port, as a key attraction for investors. "Many sites in the industrial zone have already been signed by international investors, who want to be here.

" We want to show this at the board meeting, and attract many more manufacturing companies to this region. We are best placed for that, "said Motsoahae

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