#BRICSMEDIA: "Lives are important in how we tell stories".


Cape Town – Some lives should not be more important than others, and it is up to the media to ensure that this ideal is never lost. This is according to Alexey Nikolov, managing editor of RT (formerly Russia Today), day 2 of the BRICS Media Forum that takes place in Cape Town.

Nikolov participated in a panel discussion entitled "Imagining a global future shared by constructive and development journalism: looking for ways to improve cooperation between new media in BRICS countries".

"In preparation for this speech today I have thought a lot about #BlackLivesMatter, and I thought that in preparation, the lives of the BRICS count, let me know". explain, "said Nikolov. He recounted how, in the event of a natural disaster in a developed country, he receives first class media coverage.

"But 100 people die in a landslide in China, and there is barely a mention. "There have been terrorist attacks in France and news from around the world, but hundreds of people have died in Mali and they are forgotten," said Nikolov

. , received no news coverage, was supposed to be dead by the reporter who invented the sentence. The view is out of sight, and it was up to the media to ensure that every tragedy, every terrorist attack and every story was evaluated on its merits, not on the subject or geographical location. "

The BRICS nations have hosted six major sporting events over the last ten years: three World Cups and three Olympiads. The narrative in the majority of mainstream currents is still the same and follows the same formula:

"Phase 1 – Oh, they will never be ready in time. The stadiums will not be completed in time. There are not enough hotel rooms. Tourists will all be stolen. And this continues for a few years until they host the tournament.
"Phase 2 – Oh, they managed to be ready on time, the stadiums are beautiful, the hotels are world class, the people are friendly, everyone has enjoyed themselves."
"Then comes phase 3 – the hangover, Argh, the country is now in debt, the facilities are not being maintained, the legacy projects are nowhere, the stadiums are collapsing and to become pumpkins again. "

It was up to the BRICS countries to stand together and change the rhetoric, especially about developing countries. a change in the narrative.

"And that can not be achieved by signing a BRICS Media statement – this can not be achieved by talking about it on panels and in forums," Nikolov said.

"It has to be implemented at every newspaper meeting, every press conference, every round table with the editors, we have to give our audience a different agenda, a different view of the world."

"We need to to integrate that state of mind into everything we do, we have to look at it in our narrative and remember: a person is always a person, no matter who they are, a tragedy remains a tragedy no matter where it is unfolds, a terrorist remains a terrorist, no matter what life he takes. "And that's why I say: the lives of the BRICS count."

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