Bugatti Chiron Sky View roof brings the sky closer


Bugatti is expected to unveil its new Divo Hypercar at the Monterey Car Week in August, but the French brand has another surprise in its sleeve: Bugatti Chiron Sky View.

] This new option for the $ 3,500 million Dream Machine is composed of two fixed glass panels, each laminated and composed of four layers.

In addition to letting more light into the cabin, Bugatti says The Sky View offers 2.7 inches of extra margin, which could be useful for larger plutocrats and helmeted pilots. As a bonus, Bugatti says that they further strengthen the roof panels

Bugatti ensures that the overall impact resistance and rigidity have been preserved, just like the total weight of the vehicle.

While the Sky Panel does not open to let in air, they are tinted and designed to filter out UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays. The fact that the roof panels are fixed is probably for the best – an open opening would probably be a bit of a router separator at any 261 mph Chiron

speed speed. option is available immediately, but if you already have a custom chiron that has been set up and signed up for production, sorry, you're out of luck.

When we joined him to comment on the cost of the option, a spokesman told Roadshow: "We do not communicate I am afraid that the costs of the options are generally shared with Customers. "It's safe to say that if it's a concern, you can not afford the rest of the car anyway.

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The Bugatti Chiron is beyond perfection


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