Can not continue to be the action series for Gen X


There are many long-term franchises that still go to movie theaters such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Fast & Furious". But aside from James Bond, there's none that's long-lasting power than Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible" series – and the Gen Xers who grew up with the IMF's top man are to thank for that.

As a sixth episode of the franchise, "Mission: Impossible – Fallout" Paramount reported that 59% of the listeners at the opening night were over the age of 35, with 35-49 being the band. of the highest age.

This age distribution is consistent with that of the last installment of the franchise, " "Rogue Nation", which was released in 2015. According to data provided by the Movio film analysis firm, "Rogue Nation" has averaged the industry with difficulty Children over 40 years old are found below the national average.

In comparison, the latest installment of the "Fast & Furious" franchise, 2017 "The Fate of the Furious", was much more driven by millennia. While men in age groups of 40 and older were found to be equal to or below the industry average, "Destiny" outperformed with both moviegoers aged 18 to 30 years old. On top of that, the "Rogue Nation" and "Nightout" audience was about 55% Caucasian, compared to 41% for "Fate", which indicates a more ethnically mixed crowd for the Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson franchise. Ludacris

And it could not come at a better time for Paramount because it's the first The movie "M: I "came out under the direction of Jim Gianopulos, the CEO, while he's working to recover the box office figures. While Melrose Studio holds only 5% market share with $ 346.5 million in domestic revenue, "Fallout" and other major titles like "Bumblebee" and "Overlord" are expected to exceed $ 534 million. dollars last year. "When you include the show on which the movies are based," Mission: Impossible "is over 40 years old, and the first movie was released 22 years ago, so it's C & # 39; is definitely a bigger film for the Gen X crowd, "said Shawn Robbins, an analyst at, before the release of the movie.Robbins also noted that Cruise, appeared in movies as" Top Gun "before to start "M: I", was known as a box-office star in the 80's and 90's, making it a big name for movie buffs who grew up Ving Rhames says the police have held him to The point of the rifle in his own home

This does not mean that millennials will completely ignore "Mission: Impossible." The film has an incredible word-of-mouth, with a score of 98% Rotten Tomatoes and the first Poll A from CinemaScore in the History of the Franchise

"When 'Rogue Nation & # 39; came out, we saw the same numbers with older men. weekend, "said Paramount head of household distribution Kyle Davies. "But during the month of August, age groups tended to balance because we saw younger and more female audiences come forward through word of mouth. that the demographics be equal with "Fallout".

Nevertheless, Gen Xers who followed Ethan Hunt since 1996 have again shown their loyalty this weekend, proving that "Mission: Impossible "is a mission that they will always choose to accept

  •   mission impossible 2 cliff "title =" mission impossible 2 cliff "class =" loading of the image "data-src =" 07 / mission-impossible-2.jpg "/>

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    "MI2" also had one of the most famous scenes of Cruise: the opening of the movie where Ethan climbs a cliff without equipment. But while Cruise had actually removed the digital material that he had used during filming, he tore a muscle out of his shoulder while he was filming the scene, which included a cliche hanging on the steep wall while facing the huge fall.

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    Mission: Impossible III (2003)
    Three years later, Cruise worked with JJ Abrams on a stage in which Ethan falls from the Vatican garden wall while being suspended by a brake cable that goes Stop it an inch from the ground. In reality, the cable retaining Cruise back from an overwhelming meeting with the ground was held at the other end by a gang of strong crew members

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  •   jack reacher tom cruise "title =" jack reacher tom cruise "class =" image loading "data-src =" 07 / jack-reacher-tom-cruise.jpg "/>

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    Jack Reacher (2012)
    Before working together on "Mission: Impossible", Cruise and his director Christopher McQuarrie worked on this action film in which Cruise did all the scenes car chase. Yes, even the parts where he is smashing against walls and other cars. Cruise continued to use his stunt driving training to glide through the narrow lanes of "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation" while the cameras attached to the windshield make it almost impossible to see the road.

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  • Sometimes Tom Cruise is a bit too realistic

    Whatever the situation, Tom Cruise is committed to making his films as realistic as possible. But sometimes, he feels like he's going a bit too far, to the point that his co-star of "Mission: Impossible" Simon Pegg says the biggest difference between watching him do the stunts on the plateau and watch them in the film is that the public "knows that Tom lives in the end." Here are some of the ways in which Cruise risked his life and integrity for his job.

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