Chandarana Supermarket blames racist email on "very new" employee


Chandarana Foodplus Supermarket blamed a new employee in its marketing department for a recently disclosed racially sensitive email.

In a screen capture of email to managers on Friday, retail marketing specialist Rima Patel says, "We are delighted to inform you that our supermarket chain would like to give you free coupons for winners / raffles / best candidates / finalists in upcoming events, as we are now focusing on whites to attract our supermarkets. "

Mail, perceived as implying that the distribution chain was only interested in # 39, to white customers, angered Kenyans on social networks, most of them swear not to visit

Chandarana Supermarket has, however, issued an apology for the racially insensitive e-mail perceived, qualifying it as mistake made by "one of our very recent and recent employees in the marketing department."

"His lack of fluency in the English language is an easy way to justify this horrible mistake."

The supermarket chain said that she take the necessary steps to make sure that the mistake will never happen again.

"The immense magnitude of this error undoubtedly comes to us as a serious embarrassment and all the excuses in the world can not do any harm again"

the apology drew even more critics cism, with a section Online users accusing the chain of retailers of hiring a non-Kenyan employee with poor communication skills.

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