Chinese parents stage a rare public protest against the threat of a vaccine, demanding that measures be taken to ensure the safety of domestically produced drugs


Beijing: A dozen people staged a rare protest in front of the Chinese Ministry of Health to demand action against a vaccine scandal that ignited public fears about the safety of domestically produced drugs [19659002]. which was quickly cleaned up. Twitter / rebeccaludavis ” width=”380″ height=”285″/>

The site of the event, which was quickly cleaned up. Twitter / rebeccaludavis

Video clips of the daring demonstration in front of the ministry were widely circulated on Twitter and other social media today, showing protesters waving banners demanding accountability and responsibility. justice in the latter case. "The legislation for vaccines is imperative! Handle it correctly and responsibly!" they shouted in the pictures.

Although this has not been confirmed, social media reported that the protest took place on Monday. The fate of the demonstrators, whose banners described them as parents, was not known. A journalist AFP who later arrived at the scene did not find anyone there. Generally, Chinese security agents react quickly to stop public expressions of dissent, often holding back those involved.

The latest product safety alert in China appeared more than a week ago: Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology ordered to stop production of rabies vaccines. The government said the suspect vaccine has not entered the market, but the case has provoked an unusually strong indignation from Chinese consumers who are fed up with recurring security scandals.

Protesters banners read "Vaccines?" As information about the vaccine scandal emerged over the past two weeks, parents expressed anger online, urging Communist Party censors to launch and purge the mention of the problem. The anger was exacerbated by the further revelation that Changsheng's vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) had also failed to meet quality standards, but that 2.50.000 doses were nonetheless sold. last year.

took the authorities by surprise, and national leaders swore a complete clean-up of the security of the pharmaceutical sector. Police in Changchun City, northeast of Changchun, said 15 people, including the company's president, had been arrested for unspecified crimes.

China is regularly affected by scandals involving food, drugs and other dangerous products. the official promises to eradicate the corruption and poor-quality manufacturing that are usually blamed.
Vaccines, in particular, have been hit by repeated alarms, affecting an extremely sensitive public pain point because of the potential impact on children. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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