Chris Hadfield: We could have traveled to Mars by decades


Astronaut Chris Hadfield thinks we could have gone to Mars decades ago. Now he is excited for us to finally go on the red planet, but he also highlights the potential dangers that could arise along the way.
( Chris Hadfield )

According to astronaut Chris Hadfield, NASA could have sent people to the red planet decades ago, but chose not to consider the perils associated with such an undertaking. it was technically possible to send astronauts in the time of Mars, but far too dangerous.

According to Chris Hadfield, a retired astronaut who was the first Canadian to walk in space. Between 1995 and 2013, he flew inside two space shuttles from NASA and a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, lived aboard the International Space Station and spent 166 days in orbit.

shared some of his knowledge of spaceflight as part of a new online course MasterClass

It's still dangerous to go to Mars

Business Insider asked Hadfield's & # 39; 39, he was full of hope NASA, SpaceX and Blue Origins foreground space exploration companies – will send people to Mars one day, perhaps in the next decade or so. His answer? We could have done this a long time ago,

"We could send people to Mars decades ago," Hadfield said. "The technology that led us to the moon and to the time I was a kid – this technology can take us to Mars."

Hadfield is right. As early as 1952, it was planned to send astronauts to our neighboring planet by scientists such as Wernher von Braun, the architect of NASA's Saturn V lunar rocket. It was well over 15 years before the first Apollo mission.

However, the capacity is not enough. According to Hadfield, although NASA was technically able to send people to Mars, it was not easy, safe, or worth the risk of human life.

"The majority of astronauts we send in these missions would not do it.They would die."

The desire to explore the depths of the universe has never been so powerful today, it seems … Thanks to SpaceX's recent progress in rocket launch innovation with the Falcon Heavy, the interest in space exploration has apparently been reinvigorated; the possibilities have returned to popular dialogue, after a somewhat shy enthusiasm in the years following the moon's mission.

However, Hadfield remains wary about our immediate plans to go to Mars. is farther away than most people think, largely because of inaccurate representations of interplanetary distances.In fact, it's 660 times farther than the moon is on Earth – a round trip can take up to three years in the interior of a spaceship

What is it to travel in space with rocket fuel

long can result in a number of disasters. Techniques, including radiation and explosions, are given. But the psychological effects of such a trip are often overlooked.

When Ferdinand Magellan launched a globe-trotting trip in 1519, there were 250 people spread over five ships

"They only came back with 15 or 18 people – one out of the five ships." said Hadfield.

Current technology does not yet allow long-distance space travel for the moment. The SpaceX BFR may look promising, but it still relies mainly on the burning of rockets, which, according to Hadfield, consists in "using a sailboat or pedal boat to try to travel around the world".

To be clear, Hadfield still thinks we should send astronauts to Mars, and even colonize the planet someday. However, he wants people to be safe from the dangers of such a trip and the current limitations of technology.

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