Cultural exchange activities promote relations between China and Rwanda – Xinhua


Rwandans visit the photo exhibition "Beautiful Rwanda, Beautiful China" in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, on July 6, 2018. (Xinhua / Lyu Tianran)

KIGALI, July 8 (Xinhua) – A series of cultural events exchange information on cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Rwanda, as well as on the promotion of bilateral relations concluded Saturday in the Rwandan capital Kigali.

A Sino-Rwandan Media Forum Raises the Curtain of Three-Day Activities The forum organized by the SCIO and organized by the Xinhua News Agency focused on deepening exchanges and cooperation for a future joint development China-Africa. Representatives from more than 10 Chinese and Rwandan media held lively and frank discussions at the forum and reached many consensus

Participants from the China-Rwanda Media Forum pose for a group photo after the forum in Kigali, capital of Rwanda on July 5, 2018. (Xinhua / Lyu Tianran)

Following the press forum, the photo exhibition "Beautiful Rwanda, Beautiful China" jointly organized by SCIO, the Chinese Embassy in Rwanda and China International Publishing Group debuted Friday morning at the University of Rwanda. The exhibition presented more than 80 images of picturesque landscapes and cultural customs of China and Rwanda as well as fruitful achievements of Sino-Rwandan friendship and Sino-African cooperation

Vice Minister of SCIO Guo Weimin, Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda Rao Hongwei The Secretary of the Ministry of Sports and Culture of Rwanda, John Ntigengwa, and other guests cut the ribbon for the exhibition at the ceremony of 39; opening.

The exhibition hopes to help both countries discover the beauty of China and Rwanda. history, review the traditional friendship between the two countries, and consider new chapters of bilateral cooperation, said Guo.

A Rwandan (R) visitor experiences the VR video during the launching ceremony. Panorama of "colorful China" in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, July 7, 2018. (Xinhua / Lyu Tianran)

China and Rwanda have woven many harmonious ties "The exhibition photo comes at a time when bilateral relations between Rwanda and China are strengthening, which will help visitors to better understand Rwanda, "said Rao, describing the photographic exhibition as a striking example of the Sino-Rwandan friendship. and China, said Ntigengwa.

The photos shown show friendship between Rwanda and China, said a 22-year-old university student, Obed Remy Namahoro, after visiting the crowded exhibition of visitors. He hoped that friendship could be further strengthened

Kacyiru elementary school students received Friday afternoon gifts and greetings from China

] Guo Weimin, deputy minister of the Information Office of the State Council of China, presents a binder to a Rwandan student at the "Brightness and Books" gift ceremony in Kigali, capital of Rwanda July 6, 2018. (Xinhua / Lyu Tianran)

Beijing MW Foundation and China Report Press, subordinate organizations of China International Publishing Group and Chinese companies held the donation ceremony "Brightness and Books", where 500 students from the school received schoolbags containing solar desk lamps and school supplies.

The Brightness and Books Education Support Program, supported by SCIO, the Chinese Embassy in Rwanda and the Ministry of Education of Rwanda, will benefit more than 2,000 students in Rwanda.

Guo encouraged students to focus on the study and contribute to the development of Rwanda in the future. SCIO will continue to advance this program and support the Rwandan people, Guo adds.

The Director General of the Rwanda Education Board, Irenee Ndayambaje, expressed his thanks to the Chinese people for their continued support to the education of Rwandan children. 19659007]

Guo Weimin, Deputy Minister of the Information Bureau of the State Council of China, hands a binder to a Rwandan student during the meeting. "Brightness and Books" donation ceremony in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, on July 6, 2018. (Xinhua / Lyu Tianran)

The launching ceremony of a Chinese film panorama that was held on Saturday marked the happy ending of the three-day activities.

Ten Chinese films dubbed The English will be screened in Rwanda during the month of the film "China Colorful" organized by China Media Group.

This film event will help Rwandan moviegoers better understand China's film culture and stimulate cinema. He said that he was confident that this event will play an important role in promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and Rwandan peoples, as well as in the consolidation of public opinion . cooperation between the two countries.

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