Deaths due to liver disease increase and alcohol consumption is to blame


Hepatic disease deaths have risen sharply in the United States, and doctors say the most important factor is alcohol consumption, especially among young adults.

A study published Wednesday reveals a 65% increase in deaths from cirrhosis. Since 1999, the largest increase is in Generation Y. The team found that deaths from cirrhosis increased by 10% per year among 25 to 34 year olds.

Young people do not even realize that they can empty themselves so fast, but they can, said Dr. Haripriya Maddur of Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. [TRADUCTION] "Surprisingly, it takes only about 10 years of excessive consumption to lead to cirrhosis," said Maddur, who did not participate in the study.

"So when people start drinking at the university and they start drinking, it can actually lead to terminal liver disease at a much earlier age," he said. Maddur at NBC News

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11 things your itchy skin can reveal about your health

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Kidney 19659011] Intense itching all over the body often occurs in people with late stage renal disease or who are suffering from chronic renal failure. In fact, one study found that 42 percent of dialysis patients had moderate to extreme renal itching. "Some people describe this as a nuisance," says Anthony M. Rossi, MD, assistant at the Sloan Memorial Kettering Cancer Center and at the New York Presbyterian Hospital. "[The itch] is so intense that people wake up in the middle of the night." Science has not yet discovered why kidney disease causes itching, but doctors suspect that it has to do with the buildup of toxins in your body when your kidneys are unable to eliminate the waste of your blood circulation. Aside from treating the disease, a doctor may prescribe medications like gabapentin, an anti-epileptic drug that has been approved by the FDA for off-label use to quell renal itch. Here are 9 other small body changes that could signal much larger health problems.


Liver Disease

Itching everywhere can also be a silent sign of liver disease. Where incessant itching occurs late in kidney disease, it may be an early symptom of liver disease. "If your liver is not functioning properly to detoxify the body, byproducts like bile acids will back up," says Dr. Kathleen Cook Suozzi, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. "The main goal is to treat the underlying liver disease and prescribe drugs that can eliminate bile acids." Doctors usually prescribe medications that can inhibit the absorption of bile acids by your body or reduce the amount of bile acid returning to the liver. Do not miss these 9 signs that your liver is in big trouble.


Spinal Disease

Chronic itching of the upper middle back (without skin rash) may be a sign of neuropathic itching, a symptom of nerve dysfunction. Before providing treatment, doctors will first exclude the disease from the spinal cord as a cause. Research has shown that spinal disease, whether due to age or injury, can exert pressure on the nerve and pinch it, resulting in an itchy feeling on the skin. Neuropathic itching can occur on one side of the body or both, but it is a big red flag if scratching does not bring any relief. "People with eczema experience a good feeling when they scratch," says Dr. Rossi. "But [nerve itch] does not improve with scraping.The itch intensifies most of the time." Some people say that it's as if the insects crawled on them. Once spinal cord disease or other health problems have been eliminated, neuropathic itching can be treated with capsaicin cream, which is derived from peppers, to burn nerves that irregularly pull on the skin . Make sure you know what muscle spasms can reveal about your health.


Celiac Disease

Bumps or blisters on the knees, elbows, buttocks and / or extremely itchy hair are signs of dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), a manifestation of the skin disease celiac. "When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, the mucosal immune system in the intestine responds by producing a type of antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA)," John Zone, MD, a member Medical Advisory Committee of the Celiac Disease Foundation. These IgA antibodies travel and bind to skin cells to trigger an itchy response. Prescription Dapsone can provide short-term itchy relief for the skin, but intestinal damage is serious and patients must adopt a strict gluten-free diet for life. If they continue to eat gluten, patients with celiac disease can develop malnutrition, anemia, bone loss, ulcerative colitis and even cancer. Here are 11 celiac signs you need to pay attention to.



"The other thing you want to rule out is blood disorders," says Dr. Suozzi. "Itching with or without a rash may be the first symptom of Hodgkin's disease, possibly caused by cytokines, cellular signal molecules that trigger inflammation in response. to the infection. If your doctor suspects lymphoma, she may request a chest x-ray to rule out this possibility. If you are diagnosed with the disease, the itching will stop soon after the start of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.


Thyroid Disease

"Thyroid disease, whether it is overactive or not, can cause strange sensations in the skin," says Cameron Rokhsar, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital and dermatologist. cosmetic surgeon at the Center for Aesthetic, Cutaneous and Laser Surgery in New York. "Nobody knows about association, but it's possible that changes in the sweat glands can cause skin dryness." Dry and itchy skin is more common in people who have hypothyroidism because skin tissue contains thyroid receptors.



Allergies are one of the most common chronic conditions in the world. In fact, many skin allergies are classified as contact dermatitis, the itchy rash on your skin that you get when you come in contact with an allergen. The poison ivy, nickel or compounds found in personal care items like baby wipes and makeup are just some of the allergens that can cause contact dermatitis. Your dermatologist can stick patches on your skin with different compounds that are correlated to the most common allergens to identify the root cause of your allergies. "It's like a treasure hunt when we try to look at all the products that people use," Dr. Suozzi says. A strong topical steroid is prescribed for relief. Do not miss these 8 signs that your skin products are secretly damaging your face.



If you have finally reached menopause, you may have noticed a sudden change in your skin appearance. The loss of estrogen, an essential component of collagen production, leads to thinner and itchy skin due to a reduced intake of natural oils that maintain the moisture of your skin intact. Maintain your fountain of youth with Aloe Vera gel or calamine lotion, which retain water in the outer layer of your skin to relieve dryness and itching








Breast Cancer

Paget's disease is incredibly rare form of breast cancer where cancer cells accumulate in or around the nipple. According to the National Cancer Institute, Paget's nipple disease accounts for less than 5 percent of all breast cancer cases in the United States. The first sign is squamous, red, itchy patches around the nipple and areola. "Sometimes he is misdiagnosed as nipple eczema," says Dr. Suozzi. "But when it's associated with breast cancer, it's one-sided." Itching is not the only sign of illness; Here are the 10 subtle signs of the disease that your feet can show.


You Are Pregnant

The American Pregnancy Association states that one in 150 women will develop urticarial itchy papules and plaques (PUPP), a frequently observed red itchy rash on the abdomen, although they may also appear on your legs and arms. Most women can not do much about itching because the rash usually only develops late in the third trimester when most medications are out of bounds. "This is not proven but some people say that [PUPP] can occur with multiple gestations like twins," says Dr. Rossi. "And some people think that's because the skin is stretched." Fortunately, it is harmless and disappears after pregnancy.



If after scraping your skin slightly, your nails become thin red scars on your skin that take 15 to 30 minutes to disappear, you may suspect dermatographia. Although the cause of this condition is unclear, the Mayo Clinic says that it could be triggered by stress, infections, allergens or medications like penicillin. "It's an extreme disease of the skin, where your skin is sensitive to touch and releases too much histamine," says Dr. Rokhsar. The touch and clothing areas are the most sensitive to dermatological breakouts. It is easy to diagnose, but often it is not diagnosed because it is not serious or embarrassing enough for people to make an appointment with their dermatologist. If the itching becomes severe, your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine to relieve inflammation. If this occurs regularly, ask your doctor if you may have histamine intolerance or even mast cell activation syndrome – both are conditions where the body fails to properly treat the condition. ; histamine.

Because of one of these conditions, check out the 7 bugs bugs that you should never ignore




For the Study, Dr. Elliot Tapper and Dr. Neehar Parikh at the University of Michigan and at the Veterans Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, reviewed federal data from death certificates and From the US Census Bureau

"From 1999 to 2016, annual deaths from cirrhosis increased by 65% ​​to 34,174, while annual deaths from hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) doubled to 11,073", wrote they in their report published in the British Medical Journal.

Earlier this week, the National Cancer Center increased mortality rates from liver cancer between 2000 and 2015. This increase made liver cancer the sixth leading cause of cancer death in 2016, up from the ninth cause in 2000.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that hepatitis B and C are very likely a major cause of liver cancer in this older age group.

"Unfortunately, many people do not know that they are infected with viral hepatitis the disease often causes no symptoms," says the CDC. "For reasons that are not fully understood, people born between 1945 and 1965 are five times more likely to have hepatitis C than other age groups. "

There is a vaccine against hepatitis B and the most cases of hepatitis C

Obesity and excessive consumption of alcohol can also cause liver cancer, as well as cirrhosis of the liver, and these two factors appear to be at the same time. 39, origin of the rise in the number of deaths among young adults

. "[traduction] In 1965, a study found that even one drink a day increases the risk of dying from cancer, not just the liver cancer, but also the consumption of alcohol, also many breast and mouth and throat cancers. 59002] Many of my patients will say, "Oh, I do not drink every day," but they drink a lot, which is just as bad, if not worse. for the liver, "says Maddur.

The CDC Defines Must drink five or more standard drinks in two hours for one man or four for a woman

People really need to let off steam on alcohol , says Maddur.

"So, for a woman, no more than one alcoholic drink a day and for a man, no more than two drinks a day is safe," she said. "Anything beyond that can actually lead to terminal liver disease."

The federal government has warned of the dangers of alcohol for years. Tapper and Parikh said that perhaps more needs to be done to discourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages

. "In this respect, future data in Scotland will be instructive," they wrote. There, the authorities imposed a minimum price for alcoholic beverages in the hope of reducing consumption.

Alcohol consumption in Scotland is among the highest in the world, according to data from the World Health Organization. Tapper and Parikh wrote that public health should be eagerly awaited by US policymakers

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