Delegates to look at ways to deploy the most effective fall legion control technologies in southern Africa


The African Development Bank will host from July 26 to 27, 2018 "From Plan to Action", a meeting on the control of autumn legionaries in Southern Africa.

The meeting will bring together government officials at the ministerial level and experts from the Government of Zambia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations 39 US Agency for International Development (USAID), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Sygenta Foundation and IITA in Lusaka

Key representatives from the private sector seed companies, farmers and policy makers from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe will also participate

. an insect native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. In the larval stage, it can cause significant damage to crops, though it is not well managed. The worm prefers maize but can feed on more than 80 additional species of plants, including rice, sorghum, millet, sugar cane, market garden crops and cotton.

The fall armyworm was detected in West and Central Africa. Since then, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has been detected and reported throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with the exception of Djibouti, the United States, and the United States. Eritrea and Lesotho

The fall armyworm is a dangerous transboundary pest that can spread continuously. natural migratory capacity. Without proper action, it could cause 21 to 53% of maize yield losses in 12 African countries in the next five years. The value of these losses is estimated at US $ 2.48 billion and US $ 6.19 billion. As part of its Technology for Transforming African Agriculture (TAAT) program, the African Development Bank has set up a Legion Pact in the fall to mobilize support from researchers and the public sector and private, to confront the threat. The Pact seeks to identify new technologies to combat the pest and distribute them to small farmers on the continent.

Attendees will look for ways to deploy the most effective fall legion control technologies to tens of millions of small farmers. time. The focus will be on the seed treatment pesticide from the Syngenta Foundation known as Fortenza Dou, considered effective against Fall Armyworm.

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