DeMar DeRozan dishes on the trade of Toronto Raptors in San Antonio Spurs


LOS ANGELES – In March 2016, DeMar DeRozan signed a $ 139 million, five-year contract with the Toronto Raptors

"I'm Toronto," DeRozan said at the time. "Outside of where I come from, I represent this city more than anyone, I have so many goals that I want to accomplish again, I can not wait to get this jersey back." and continue. "

On the morning of July 18, the San Antonio Spurs traded upset star Kawhi Leonard against the four-stroke Allstar and Compton.

The former Raptor and the new Spur recently sat in the offices of ESPN Los Angeles to discuss the circumstances. from the profession, how he discovered, what the city and Toronto fans mean for him and the excitement of reaching San Antonio.

Here is a transcript, edited for the length, of the interview.

Chris Haynes: DeMar DeRozan, the new member of the San Antonio Spurs. What was this past week for you?

DeMar DeRozan: Dude, that was a blur. It was a dream … still a bit like a dream right now. But it was difficult to have this roller coaster – from top to bottom – just trying to acclimate to the changing teams.

CH: He caught many people off guard. Looks like it caught you off guard too. Masai Ujiri, the general manager of the Raptors, came out at a press conference and said that it was a lack of communication. That he spoke with you during the summer league in Las Vegas and said that he thought his mistake was that he was talking to you about what to expect to go from the front with the organization. From your point of view, is this an accurate assessment of this conversation?

DD: Uh, no, because throughout the talks we had through the discussions that he had with my agent. It seemed to me that I was in this discussion going forward with the team. My approach every summer was getting ready, going out there and supporting young guys at the summer league, trying to find ways to be better, to make my team better, and that was the meaning of the conversations we had with the future; have the opportunity to remake something special, you know? So, it was my state of mind and everyone around my state of mind too.

CH: In this same press conference, he talked about how he gave the team a chance. Do you think it was necessary for the organization to do this move and exchange you? Why did not things work?

DD: I mean, when you say "them", it's a little frustrating. Like who is "them"? You blamed me and Casey? Because we are obviously the only two to have suffered from the loss we suffered in the Cleveland series. But it's only one team we lost in the playoffs – and this team went to the finals each year. With an opportunity coming up, my state of mind and the rest of the mindset of my teammates were the only ones that prevented that from happening. We have now had a great opportunity to do something that we have not been able to do. At the end of the day, I gave everything I had to this team. And that showed, it showed in the progress we made as a team, like me as an individual. So when you say that "gave them chances" and "I have to do something" … it's B.S. to me.

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CH: You and Masai go back. Did it hurt you more, just the fact that you had this relationship with him?

DD: No questions. I mean when you use the word "family", "brother", or whatever, things that others use lightly … for me, once you use that term, I'm going to say that, stick to that term. I agree with this term. So if it 's something I like or not, I' ll accept it if you come to me and let me know in advance. But do not make one thing look like anything else and take me off guard and do something else. That was all my problem. I understand the operation of the game, the operation of the company. My state of mind was that I was always going to be in Toronto all my career, but I was never naive. Let me know. That's where my frustration comes from. And I think that showed. Fans to me – it just took me completely off guard.

CH: How do you feel particularly treated by Masai Ujiri?

DD: I felt like I was not treated with what I sacrificed for nine years; with the respect I thought I deserved. Just give me the word to let me know that something is happening, or it's a chance. That's all I wanted. That's all I wanted. I'm not saying, "You do not have to trade" or … just let me know something is happening because I've sacrificed everything. Let me know. That's all I asked. Everyone knows that I am the person who requires the least maintenance in the world. Just let me know, so that I can prepare for everything my next chapter will be, and I do not understand.

CH: Did you ask if you would be exchanged?

DD: I asked "Will I be exchanged?" Was there something going on, if it was a chance that I was exchanged? And many times, it was "no, it was nothing". If that is the case, then let the agent know or tell me.

CH: What were your emotions when you first heard?

DD: Man, I was really stuck. I could not think for a second because it did not seem real to me. I had no indication as if it was something else. If I knew it, I would not have reacted as I did. I would have been prepared for that. But that got me completely off guard because I think it's another summer. Advanced. I've talked to my teammates everyday to find out how we can improve. So, to hit me with that at midnight on the blue. Like, come on. Two days ago, he was asked, "Is something happening? If that's just let me know because the rumors keep coming. Two days later, you go there

CH: In 2016, when you were a free agent, most people thought you were going to be tied to Laker. To return to your hometown. We are here in Los Angeles right now. This did not happen. You have not even made an appointment with the team. Toronto is struggling to attract free agents and they are also struggling to retain some of their main stars. Why was it so important for you to re-sign and not look elsewhere?

DD: The first day I was enlisted in the Toronto Raptors, they were stigmatized: no one wants to be here, superstars, no one wants to play in Canada. From the first day, my mind and approach to the game, being in Toronto, was to change this whole story for this whole organization. That's why I work my buttocks as I did it. That's why I push, that's why I've reissued so hard to get this stigma. And that was another example in my career where I could prove it by not meeting anyone else. Do it in the first 30 minutes of the free agency and keep moving forward. It was always my state of mind and approach and you could tell by the connection that I have with the fans. I have never thought of anything else, I have never mentioned it elsewhere. I like this place. This is literally my second home

CH: Is it true that this contract year, 2016, is it true that you are asked to take less money? to improve the team?

DD: I asked, "What can I do to help? I did not want to put ourselves in a mess where we would not be able to help the team by bringing in other guys. I did not just want to ask the maximum. I wanted to do everything I could to make sure that everything we needed to have in the end, we could have. It was always sacrificing for the well-being of the team. I said I wanted to be there. Now, what can I do to help?

CH: Did you feel that things had been done to facilitate the growth of the team after taking this sacrifice?

DD: Yes. Next season we did better than the previous season. And that gave me comfort of understanding that we could continue to take advantage of what we had not done the previous year. We put so many records. There has not been a year in the last five years where it was not a record set. It says a lot.

"When you say that by saying" give them a chance "and" I have to do something … it's B.S. for me. "

Guard of the San Antonio Spurs DeMar DeRozan

CH: Vince Carter. Tracy McGrady. Chris Bosh. The list continues. But when people think of "M. Raptor, you're the name that appears. Have you considered a scenario where such a situation could occur?

DD: To be honest with you, no. No, I was so mentally in this house. I am proud of the community. I'm proud of everything when he came to Canada. Not just Toronto, everything that happened with Canada wearing this Toronto Raptors jersey. That's why it was so hard and moving for me when I first heard it because everyone knows what type of guy I am. He showed when I went there and played. Whether for good or for bad, I took it as a man.

CH: When the word came out that you were in San Antonio, it was an outpouring of tweeting players, instagramming, saying that DeMar had done wrong. Or he should have a statue outside the Air Canada Center. When you saw that from your peers, what did this experience look like?

DD: Man, it was probably one of the most overwhelming situations of my career. To see your peers, how they see you with some organization. Many guys … I do not even have their number. We are not even cool. But to see that … it speaks for itself. It was great to have that kind of support from your peers. Something that carries a long way. It was certainly an honor.

DeRozan's trade in San Antonio breaks one of the most charismatic tandems of the NBA with guard Kyle Lowry. Photo AP / Rick Bowmer, file

CH: Have you spoken to Kyle Lowry?

DD: Yes, I talk to Kyle every day.

CH: What was this conversation like initially?

DD: I remember when I discovered that it was 12 o'clock in Los Angeles. I blew up his phone. He was in Philadelphia, it was 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the morning. Blow his phone up until he answered. He answered and I told him, and you could say that he was sleeping. He was like, "What?" He just rang. My phone was going crazy, I said "Imma hit you, he's not out yet, he'll be out in the morning." I woke up in the morning, he sent me a long text. He could not believe it. But he gave me a few words that helped me all day long, for what to prepare. Since he was just my brother, apart from my teammate, he was there for me right now. It could be said that it affected him too, so it was cool to have that support from him.

CH: Is there anything you could share that sums up what he told you? [19659002] DD: Nah, I'll let him do it at some point. He did not say anything. He did not even want to put posts [social media] because every time he talks, it's definitely going to be something that comes from the heart.

The Spurs twice traded defensive player of the year Kawhi Leonard in Toronto to acquire DeMar DeRozan. D. Clarke Evans / NBAE via Getty Images

CH: What did you originally think about going to San Antonio?

DD: I mean, I'm still in shock.

CH: Again?

DD: I am still in shock. The second person with whom I spoke that night, with whom I am very close, was Rudy Gay. I was pissed off. And I called it like: "Dude, dude just exchanged me." Rudy was like "What? Whose? & # 39; And I was like "At all." He started to laugh. He said "Look, I do not want to lie, but I got my boy back. You'll be right, man. do not worry about that. I told myself: "Dude, I should not have called him. I should have waited for that to come out and you called me. It was cool to be able to call someone from my life who is also on the Spurs. So he made it easy

CH: And you recently played in the same Drew League team?

DD: Yes, and he wanted to do it. So that was his idea. It was cool.

CH: There is going to be another transition, playing for Coach Casey, then going to play for Coach Pop. I know you're going to Team USA, in minicamp, and Coach Pop is doing it. What are your expectations when playing for Coach Pop?

DD: I've always been a fan of Pop. There was just something about him in the way he led his team, the way he coached, his credibility. Everything that comes out of Pop, you just have to love. So to have this opportunity to play with a legendary coach at this stage of my career, I think it's one of those blessings in disguise because it's a good time to be with a guy like that. I've been with Case for the majority of my career. He gave me the ultimate freedom of being myself. The first thing Case told me when the move was made, is that I will love Pop. To hear this from my coach, during the transition to my new coach, it makes my job easier.

1 In Relation

CH: Every summer, in the offseason, you're sure you are working on a specific part of your game. What is it? Is this summer now that you make this change?

DD: This time, I think it's going to be hell for a lot of people. No question.

CH: Why, DeMar?

DD: Just this entire transition to make this move, it makes you think a bit about your career in the sense of the points on which you could have been better. How could you have been better? The success you had, the failures you had. And you accumulate all this in a motivational ball, hunger and frustration, in addition to this situation. I will start from the bottom, to show why I was the player that I was. But this time, with a completely different level of "I do not care about anything else"

CH: What do you remember most about being a Toronto Raptor?

DD: What will I remember the most? It's so hard to say a particular moment, because I can name a million things. Fans, at All-Star being there, doing the playoffs, seeing Jurassic Park for the first time. It is something I will never forget, and without a doubt, it does not replace Toronto in my heart and in my state of mind. Because, as I said, I put everything in there and I have everything exposed there. And, you know, just to see people talking about it, even just mentioning me as the greatest player in the history of the Raptors. Come on, man, it's an honor. I'm 28 years old and you put me in this category? It's amazing.

CH: Drake reaches out?

DD: Yes, the day of his release, I went to Drake's house. Me and him, sitting and talking for a few hours. Not even on hoops stuff. Just to hear the words that come from him being the person that he is in this world, especially in Toronto. What I wanted to say to this city. That's what I needed

CH: What Spurs receive in a player of DeMar DeRozan caliber?

DD: A guy who has a proven track record and still has time. This time, have the biggest chip on his shoulder. When they wear this and play for a championship, period.

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