Diamonds are not so rare, if you look deep into the earth's interior


Diamonds are not as scarce as previously thought when we look at the entire geological picture of the planet. Scientists have discovered more than a quadrillion tons of diamonds hidden deep inside the Earth. ( Woon Kuongchin | Pixabay )

After all, diamonds are not so rare because scientists have discovered a massive cache of the precious stone inside the Earth thanks to the Using sound waves

however, will probably not start a diamond rush because precious minerals are located deeper than any drilling expedition has ever reached.

Sound waves discover diamonds deep in the earth

What in the Earth's mantle? A large number of diamonds, according to a new study published in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems .

The team of researchers, representing institutions such as MIT, Harvard, and the University of California at Berkeley, discovered that they can be more than a quadrillion tons of hidden diamonds deep inside the Earth.

Scientists began the study by investigating a seismic anomaly. Organizations such as the US Geological Survey maintain global recordings of seismic data, which are sound waves traveling across the Earth. Researchers have found that in some parts of the crust called cratons, sound waves are faster than expected.

Cratons are stable parts of the crust and mantle of the Earth that are generally less dense and colder than the surrounding parts. When the seismic data showed that the sound waves were passing through them faster than expected, the researchers began to study the material at the origin of the anomaly.

Scientists created models of virtual rocks to determine the material that allows sound waves to pass quickly. A single virtual rock has corresponded, containing peridotite, small amounts of eclogist from the oceanic crust and 1 to 2% of diamonds

Diamonds not rare in the earth

Where are the diamonds found? Places may be rare on the surface of the Earth, but looking at the entire geological situation of the planet, diamonds are not so rare. With the discovery, scientists estimated that there were 1000 times more diamonds on land than previously known.

Diamonds in cratons, according to Ulrich Faul, a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, Atmosphere and Planets at MIT. Diamonds are formed in the environment at high pressure and high temperature in the deep Earth and are propagated to the surface by volcanic eruptions of tens of millions of years. However, although they are deep beneath the Earth, they help the cratons stay stable and prevent them from sinking.

However, diamonds are estimated to be 90 to 150 miles underground, which is much further than any other mining expedition. tried. As current diamond resources are depleted, perhaps it's time for the lab diamonds to shine?

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