DIARY-Top Economic Events at August 29


July 16 (Reuters) –

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—————————— This newspaper is filed daily . ** Indicates new events ——————————


LONDON – Michael Sheren, Senior Advisor at the Bank of England: Panelist at the Green Finance Summit, London – 12:30 GMT. FARNBOROUGH, England – Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and Financial Conduct Authority Executive Director Andrew Bailey appear before the Treasury Board to discuss the BoE – 0800 Financial Stability Report. GMT. WASHINGTON, DC – Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gives semiannual testimony on the economy and monetary policy to the Senate Banking Committee – 14:00 GMT.


** WASHINGTON DC – Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell gives semiannual testimony on the economy and monetary policy to the House Financial Services Committee – 14:00 GMT .

WASHINGTON D.C. – Federal Reserve publishes the beige book of the economic situation – 1800 GMT.


** NEW YORK CITY – Vice President of the Federal Reserve for Supervision Randal Quarles made opening remarks to the Round Table of the Alternative Reference Rates Committee – 1300 GMT.

FRIDAY, JULY 20 GLASGOW, Kentucky – The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, gives a presentation on the US economy and monetary policy to the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce – 12:00 GMT

TUESDAY 24 JULY BRUSSELS – Meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the EU.


FRANKFURT – The European Central Bank publishes monthly data on loans and money supply – 0800 GMT. THURSDAY 26 JULY FRANKFURT – Governing Council meeting of the ECB, followed by an announcement of interest rates. FRANKFURT – ECB President Mario Draghi holds a press conference after the interest rate meeting.

MONDAY 30 JULY TOKYO – The Bank of Japan holds a meeting on monetary policy (until 31 July).

TUESDAY, JULY 31 WASHINGTON, DC – The Federal Open Market Committee of the US Federal Reserve (FOMC) begins its two-day meeting on interest rates.


WASHINGTON D.C. – The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the US Federal Reserve announces a decision on the interest rate, followed by a statement – 1800 GMT.


KYOTO, Japan – Remarks by Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan, Masayoshi Amamiya, at a meeting with business leaders in Kyoto – 01:30 GMT. LONDON – The Bank of England will release a report on inflation – 11:00 GMT.

TOKYO – The Bank of Japan publishes the minutes of its meeting on monetary policy on June 14th and 15th – 23:50 GMT. LONDON – Bank of England announces its decision on rates and publishes the minutes of the meeting – 11:00 GMT. TUESDAY 7 AUGUST TOKYO – The Bank of Japan will publish a summary of the views of Council members at its Policy Meeting on July 30-31 – 2350 GMT.


WELLINGTON – The Reserve Bank of New Zealand announces the official exchange rate (OCR) and the monetary policy statement.


OSLO – The Central Bank of Norway announces its decision on interest rates – 0800 GMT. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 WASHINGTON – The Federal Open Market Committee will release the minutes from July 31 to August. 1 policy meeting – 1800 GMT.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 STOCKHOLM – Speech by Kerstin Af Jochnick, First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank: The Role of Central Bank Money in the Payments Market of Tomorrow – 06:30 GMT. TUESDAY 28 AUGUST

FRANKFURT – The European Central Bank publishes monthly data on loans and money supply – 0800 GMT.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 STOCKHOLM – Meeting of the Riksbank Executive Office – 07:00 GMT. ——————————– ——–

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