Did Buzz Aldrin admit that he never went to the moon?



Buzz Aldrin admitted in a video-captured exchange that he had never gone to the moon.



In July 2018, a video hit social media that allegedly captured Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man in history to pose on the lunar surface, admitting to a young child that he has never In fact, we went to the Moon:

Many rumors based on the video we are studying compel us to keep an eye on deceptive editions or audio alterations . In this case, however, all we had to do to demystify this one was to listen to the question asked by the young child and the answer given by Buzz Aldrin.

The child did not ask Buzz Aldrin when he was going to the moon. On the contrary, she posted the question "Why has no one gone to the moon for so long?" To the astronaut. When Aldrin replied that "we did not go there" and "it is so", he was referring to the fact that the United States did not send any mission to the moon since the last Apollo. the space flight took place in December 1972, without stating that it had never been on the moon in the first place.

We have transcribed this part of the video below:

Child: Why has no one come to the moon for so long?

Aldrin: This is not a question of 8 years. That's my question. I want to know. But I think I know. Because we did not go there. That's how it happened. And if that did not happen, it's good to know why that did not happen if we want to continue doing something we need to know why something happened stopped in the past if we want to keep it

The wording of Aldrin's answer may have been confusing for children and adults, but he was talking about "why something (ie d., go to the moon) has stopped in the past, "and not how it never happened.

This viral video also cut off Aldrin's complete answer. In the full version of Aldrin's interview with this child (identified as Zoey), the astronaut went on to state the main reason why we did not return to the moon: l & # 39;

Once again, Aldrin's message was a bit confusing. the second part of his answer (not included in the viral video) offered two other examples in which he spoke of our presence on the moon. Aldrin said that he "did what the President wanted us to do" (that is, that we were going on the moon) and that the world was proud of what was going on. he had accomplished

. the full video can be viewed at the end of this article):

Money. It's a good thing. If you want to buy new things, new rockets, instead of continuing to do the same thing over and over, it will cost more. And other things also need more money. So, having realized what the president wanted us to do … and then thousands, millions of people in America and millions of people around the world … You know when we did the Around the world after our return [from the moon] the most fascinating sighting was signs that said "WE did it." Not only us. But we, the world. They had the impression of being part of what we were able to do . And that made us feel very good.

This video was taken during the National Book Fest 2015 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington DC Aldrin was at the party to promote his book Welcome to Mars: Making a The House on the Red Planet but he was also questioned by many kids about exploring space while he was there.

Here is the complete interview of Zoey with Buzz Aldrin. The viral extract begins at 7:10:

It should also be noted that while Buzz Aldrin was part of the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first two people on the moon, he was not the last astronaut to touch the lunar surface. A total of 12 astronauts have visited the moon since Aldrin's July 1969 historical space flight, but no one has ventured onto the lunar surface since the end of 1972:


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