Dog owners issued a warning as deer ticks settle in Calgary's backyards


Deer ticks no longer respect city limits

This was the word given on Monday by Dr. Wendy McLelland, a Calgary veterinarian, who told us that no matter how many city-dwellers you and your pet "

" We are seeing an increase in the tick that causes Lyme disease – the deer tick – and it's no longer necessary that it be in the mountains "McLelland said. stated in an interview on The Calgary Eyeopener .

"Even in the city where they do not leave the yard, they have ticks There are more animals: the birds transmit them.They have rides on these animals, so they can literally be n & # 39; Anywhere.

"I had a chihuahua last week with a tick just walking in a regular park."

McLelland says she does not consider fleas and ticks collars very useful protection, ie

"Certainly not. Especially for ticks. They do not work for fleas either, "she says.

A blacklegged tick, also known as a deer tick, is illustrated in this undated photo from the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention. United States. ")

Instead, she advised pet owners to consult their veterinarian for alternatives.

" There are pills now – small, sweet and fluffy pills that you give a Once a month There are topical [creams] that you can put on the neck.

"But I really encourage people just for this increase in Lyme disease and a lot of ticks this year, because of the wetter weather in the spring.This is something you want to think about. "

Inspecting your dog's fur for signs of ticks can help, too, although it may take time and even if the owner finds out e the tick – as it was the case with the Chihuahua – It can be difficult to know how long the tick has been incorporated into the pet (the disease can be transmitted within 16 hours).

If you find a tick, it's possible to remove it, says McLelland. If you stand near the skin, or if you are nervous, take them to your veterinarian.

"And there is a tick surveillance program in Alberta, so save the tick if you get one. and your vet can send it and find out if it is the deer tick and if it carries Lyme disease. [19659017] Hot Weather Tips

McLelland also said to keep an eye on signs of heat stroke in dogs.

"Panting is a sign. And that's their only way – they lose some heat through their paws – but the main way they regulate is through panting. "

But once they can not follow the breath, then you start to see the signs of excessive drooling, fever, they have brick red, lethargic gum – these are the main signs of heat stroke

Gino the Pomeranian pants in the heat on a square in downtown Toronto (Muriel Draaisma / CBC)

She also said not to wait for the city to be subjected to a heat warning, as was the case on Monday

"They can (suffer) at any moment. Temperature. It really depends where they are – is moisture a factor? No shade in the yard? So, you have to really be careful that your garden – if they are off for a while – has some shade, and do not let them spend a lot of time on those really hot temperatures.

With files from The Calgary Eyeopener

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