Doubts about the Free Trade Agreement


Mike Akuupa, director of the LABOR Resource and Research Institute, says the government has not sufficiently engaged stakeholders on the implications of the agreement on the African continent's free trade zone over the country.

Akuupa stated that the country has not considered the various protocols contained in the agreement in detail for the country to have a clear understanding of it.

"Market access is one thing, but what comes with it is another ball game entirely." How will the deal affect the worker, the small entrepreneur? or the manufacturer? What are the details on protocols on trade and services, and trade in goods? ", he asked.

Nigeria has not yet signed the agreement because it has decided to widely consult with stakeholders.

still not clearly known because no appropriate situation analysis was undertaken to have clear projections of benefits and costs.

"Even if you are interviewing big business representatives on the African Continental Free Trade Area (FTA), some people have no idea about it." The red line issue surfaced from the chief's feelings of the state after the signing.This issue was supposed to be dealt with before the country signs, it is the lack of consultation we are talking about, "said Akuupa.

He said that It is not yet clear what modalities are in place to operationalize the Continental Accord, as "such information is either only known by the trade ministers, and not the intended players of the game." The country may consider the fruits at hand if they are easily identifiable and can be obtained under this AfCFTA agreement.However, what is clear is the lack of consultation and consideration of the various speakers on the subject. "[19659003] Trudi Hartzenberg, executive director of the Trade Law Center (Tralac), said the signing by South Africa and Namibia is important. no resulting legal consequence.

"But AfCFTA's signature demonstrates commitment to the negotiating process There are still problems to negotiate, Member States will start negotiating tariff cuts, finalize negotiations on the rules of origin, as well as commitments on priority service sectors.This will complete the first phase of the negotiations, "she noted

.The World Trade Organization sets the rules for Originally as the criteria needed to determine the national source of a product.

Hartzenberg added that the longer-term benefits of AfCFTA will depend on the specific provisions of the agreement, "For example, bearing in mind that South Africa and Namibia are part of the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) they will negotiate tariff reduction commitments collectively. , is important.

"There may be opportunities to allow trade between Sacu Member States and the Economic Community of West African States (such as Nigeria)."

Small businesses could benefit from CAFTA, she added. Trade through more efficient customs and border management, thereby reducing transit time, will reduce trade costs, which is particularly important for small businesses.

"Access to new business opportunities through lower rates and simpler rules of origin will also help small businesses to trade better in Africa." The CAFTA agreement provides that existing trade agreements (such as the regional economic communities and the tripartite free trade area) will remain intact, "she said.

In addition, Sacu Member States normally negotiate tariff reductions as a collective to protect the integrity of the common external tariff.

"The Free Trade Area of ​​the Southern African Development Community will also remain functional and no new negotiations between Member States will be undertaken", she added

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