Dr. BumBum from Brazil disappears after the death of the patient during lacrosse enlargement


A Brazilian plastic surgeon dubbed "Dr. BumBum" is on the run after being accused of killing a patient during a botched procedure to enlarge his hindquarters.

Lilian Calixto fell ill during proceedings at Dr. Denis Furtado's home in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday night. He took her to the Barra Hospital in Gold, but the 46-year-old mother died Sunday morning, police said, according to the BBC.

A judge awarded a arrest warrant against the 45-year old … celebrity doc on homicide charges – but he was gone. Cops arrested his girlfriend, Renata Fernandes Cirne, suspected of taking part in the proceedings.

Furtado appeared on Brazilian television, had nearly 650,000 subscribers on his Instagram account since deleted and an active Facebook page filled in before-and-after shots of butt enlargement procedures.

But Niveo Steffen, president of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, suggested "Dr. BumBum" was not entirely legitimate, claiming that there was a "growing invasion of non-specialists "in the industry." You can not perform plastic surgery in an apartment, "he told AFP

. a dream, a fantasy for patients in an unethical way and people, weakened, are often attracted to low prices, without wondering if the conditions are adequate.

Friends of Calixto, former HSBC bank manager she had always had a "dissatisfaction with her butt" and had undergone many other procedures to change her appearance.

"She did not need it, she has always been beautiful since she was a teenager. I remember her at the age of 16 years old. Everything about her was perfect. … But a woman is never satisfied with her body, "says her friend Lucy Macedo

She leaves behind a young girl named Ana Vitoria and a 21-year-old son named Vitor

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