Eating more nuts could make your sperm powerful


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Rejoice, lovers of nut butter and cashew eaters. According to a new study, your sperm is nailing it

Diets rich in nuts produce a higher sperm count consisting of more powerful swimmers, suggests a new study from the Human Nutrition Unit of the # Rovira i Virgili University in Spain. 19659004] Researchers tracked sperm count and quality of a group of healthy young men ages 18 to 35 over a 14-week period. They found that sperm, nuts and nuts counted 60 g per day.

However, this is not conclusive evidence for intaking nuts in your mouth.

The study randomly placed men in a group of nut eaters and a group of non-nut eaters and gave the nut group a portion of the nuts each day. This means that we do not consider a person's normal diet, but one that is manufactured by researchers.

Walnuts may serve as a healthier substitute for a less nutritious snack, or another type of food may produce similar results. We will need more research before any expert can say that every man should load nuts.

(Photo: Getty)

However, researchers say: that the results "support a beneficial role for chronic consumption of nuts in sperm quality," it is therefore a promising start for those of you who love nuts and care about the quality of your sperm.

More: Health

Several other factors can affect the quality of your sperm, including the rest of your diet (not just nuts), physical health, smoking, alcohol consumption, infections, hormonal balances, Testicular drug trauma, and even overheat the testicles by prolonged use of a laptop or by regularly diving into hot tubs (although research on the impact of testicular warming is inconclusive).

do things that have all the scientific support. Do not smoke, do not drink and do not use drugs, maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage stress.

It is worth going to see a doctor if you are concerned that your sperm are not up to the test or if you are trying to have a child because they will be able to check and you to let people know exactly what is going on

But if you want to nibble a few nuts while you're there, it will not hurt. [19659004] PLUS: If you did not know that M & M caramel flavored was one thing, you do it now

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