Feeding your babies prematurely can help them sleep, study suggests | Life and style


The introduction of solid foods in babies before six months might offer a small improvement in their sleep, suggest new research.

British and American researchers examined data collected as part of a clinical trial some foods could reduce the risk of allergy for an infant. As part of the study, the team also examined the impact on other measures, including growth and sleep.

"An added benefit (of the early introduction of solids) is that it seems to confer better sleep for children," said Gideon Lack, pediatric allergy professor at King & # 39; London College, and a co-author of the research. 19659002] Written in the journal Jama Pediatrics, Lack and a team of researchers argue that there is a common belief that eating solid foods helps a baby sleep better – with an NHS survey suggesting that most mothers give to their child's food before five months – many sources of advice for new parents, including the NHS and the National Childbirth Trust, recommend parents to wait until six months before d & # 39; introduce solids.

"We believe that the most likely explanation of our findings on improving sleep is that these babies are less hungry," said Lack, adding that solid foods could mean less regurgitation or Greater feelings of fullness

Three-month-olds were randomly divided into two groups: babies were breastfed exclusively until the age of six months – as recommended by current guidelines – while children from the other group were breastfed and receiving solid foods, including peanuts, eggs and wheat, from the age of three months, in addition to breastfeeding . After six months, babies in both groups ate a range of solids

Children's health and behavior were monitored for three years, with their sleep and solid food consumption monitored by families. Even though not all babies were kept on their diet, on average, babies who were part of the breastfeeding group only were introduced to solids at about 23 weeks of age, while those in the breastfeeding group were introduced to solids at about 23 weeks of age. the other group encountered food around 16 weeks

according to data from 1,162 infants and taking into account factors such as birth weight and the existence of eczema in children, three-month-old babies slept an average of two hours more per week at the age of six months. were only breastfed. They also woke up half a night a week at six months and had just under 9% incidents of waking up during the night during the study.

The team found that the more parents stuck at the beginning introduction program, the stronger the effect.

According to Lack, a crucial finding is that parents who were asked to breastfeed exclusively were almost twice as likely to report a serious problem with their child's sleep as those who been invited to give them solid foods early. the study did not use sensors to monitor infant sleep and that parents might have poorly noted sleep behavior because they had previously had the idea that babies fed with solid foods sleep better.

of babies, said that the benefits revealed by the study were "minimal" in real terms, and that other research has shown no reward for the early introduction of solid.

"There is no physiological reason why early solid foods would help a baby sleep, especially not for the very small amounts required of parents in this trial," he said. she says

noting that no difference in waking was observed before five months, although one group was introduced to solids from three months, and that self-reporting of infant sleep by tired parents is unlikely to be accurate.

Prof. Mary Fewtrell, Nutrition Officer for the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health welcomed the ############################################################################################ 39 study, noting that the RCPCH currently recommends solid foods are not introduced before four months, but that the database for current advice is over 10 years old and is currently being revised in the UK and in the EU. "We expect to see recommendations from updates on infant feeding in the not-too-distant future, "she said.

Erin Leichman, a research psychologist at St Joseph's University in Philadelphia and executive director of the Pediatric Sleep Council for the early introduction of probably varied baby foods, the results are important. "The results of this study certainly deserve to be deepened, especially with regard to the duration of breastfeeding despite the introduction of solids and the interaction of parents with their baby at bedtime and during the night after a night's sleep, which can be related to sleep. night watches, "she said." At this point, the results of this study do not indicate that solids need to be introduced early for all babies. "Decision-making regarding the introduction of Solid foods should be family-friendly and made with a trusted health care provider. "

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