Fifa World Cup: Trevor Noah is right – France's victory masks the country's ills while racist attitudes towards immigrants remain


An ethnic group is only an ethnic group when it is convenient. Ask the Ambassador of France to the United States, who claimed in a letter to Trevor Noah The Daily Show that players of African descent helped his country to win the World Cup of FIFA were "French". They were not "Africans", he said, responding to a joke that Noah had made during a previous show that Africa won the World Cup.

The ambassador insists that they are French. In most other areas of French life, they would be "immigrants".

Sport is ephemeral in its euphoria. A victory in a major event such as the World Cup can lead to an intoxication of the heart, where feelings that did not exist before suddenly wake up in the chest, where hatred is replaced by superficial love. and where reality is suspended

Once the narcotic of triumph fades, it comes back to what it's always been. In the ensuing hangover, most do not come to believe what they say, do or feel at their peak of drunkenness

That a France filled with immigrant sons brings the country closer is a myth. For a moment, yes, the French of all colors and all walks of life have rejoiced, but it will not last long.

The truth is that sports triumphs do not necessarily unite a society, they simply mask its ills.

The fact is that many people in France show bad faith towards immigrants and their families, most of whom threaten the "French way of life" and who are struggling to obtain equal opportunities in their favelas . Trevor Noah accused of racism by fans of France as the Daily Show host jokes "Africa won" Russia 2018 final

As American Muslim clergy Yasir Qadhi tweeted after 4-2 Cup final victory of the world against Croatia: "If France were as racist towards its immigrant football players as it is towards most of its population, it would never have won the World Cup … Hope this will change the world. # 39; attitude of some "

In the French elections last year, the far-right and anti-immigrant party Marine Le Pen got a third of the vote at second round, representing 10.6 million people. [19659002] According to a study by the Defender of the Rights Organization, black youths and Arabs in France are 20 times more likely to be arrested by police for identity checks than other groups.

Coupe FIFA World Cup: Trevor Noah responds to criticism of French Ambassador Scènes

In largely non-white suburbs, the unemployment rate is two and a half times higher than the national average and in prisons French, 60% of the detainees are Muslims even though they represent about 10% of the population. And then there is the government's decision to deny the right of Muslim women to wear the facial veil.

The French government is also taking steps to remove the word "race" from its constitution, to show that However, some human rights groups say it only serves To mask struggles and inequalities suffered by minority groups.

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For many minorities, football offers a path to equality, if only under the spotlight. Nineteen of the 23 French players are migrants or sons of migrants. While the country still bathes in glory and marries a united France, the hope is that we can be wrong and that the triumph of a massively talented team can be a unifying force.

Surely, the bigger the sport, the greater the impact that's why the government of Israel does not care for itself if it thinks that the World Lacrosse Championship is a victory.

Israel received the hosting rights to the tournament, despite the many human rights organizations who accuse it of apartheid policy and continue to build illegal settlements on the Palestinian ancestral lands.

There was a minor call for a boycott of the tournament, which is underway, but its existence hardly supports the Israeli government.

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The fact that Argentina has decided to withdraw from a friendly football match in Israel, the shooting of Palestinians protesting in Gaza is far more important.

Lacrosse only reiterates the idea that sport does not unite, but simply serves to mask.

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