Former NESOL boss says former detainees should be allowed to serve in the public sector | RJR News


Carolyn Warren, former executive director of National Energy Solutions Limited (NESOL), asks the government to allow ex-inmates to serve in the public sector after a period of rehabilitation.

Ms. Warren resigned with immediate effect from NESOL Wednesday, nearly two weeks after it was revealed that she was sentenced more than two decades ago on a drug charge.

Speaking Friday on the morning agenda on the sister station of RJR Power106 Mrs. Warren stated that one of the reasons for her resignation is a rule of which she was recently informed. which stipulates that convicted persons can not work in the public sector.

The former chief executive of NESOL noted that it was unfair, since the private sector does not have such a rule, but it can "take only as many people and no more." She also argued that the rule only leads people who are struggling to find a job to return to a life of crime.

She urged the government to consider rehabilitation and give former convicts a fair chance by establishing a schedule in which people can work in the public sector after serving their sentence.

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