Ghana, 14 other countries offered a $ 10 million investment fund


  Dr. Ibrahim Awal Mohammed (right), Minister of Economic Development, delivering a speech on behalf of Professor Kwabena-Frimpong Boateng, Minister of the Environment, Science, Technology and the Environment. Innovation. Participants in the meeting (left)

Dr. Ibrahim Awal Mohammed (right), Minister of Economic Development, delivering a speech on behalf of Professor Kwabena-Frimpong Boateng, Minister of the Environment, Science, Research and Development technology and innovation. Participants in the meeting (left)

Ghana and 14 other African countries received $ 10 million from four development partners to boost investment and the application of science, technology and technology. of innovation.

The funding partners are the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID), Canada's International Development Research Center, the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Foreign Affairs of Canada. Research Foundation, both of South Africa

The help is provided as part of a program titled Science Granting Councils Initiative in sub-Saharan Africa.

The initiative is a network of scientific granting councils from 15 countries of sub-Saharan Africa

The member countries of the initiative include Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Tswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso and Cote d Ivoire.


The general meeting of the initiative was held yesterday in Accra on the theme: "Research and innovation for the creation of jobs

It was organized by the African Center for Technological Studies, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation.

According to a representing financial partners, Dr. Ellie Osir, "National Councils are government agents and are supposed to represent the interests of the scientific community of a country and that is why we help them fulfill their national mandates for stimulate ITS application in their different countries in order to accelerate and stimulate economic development. "

He added that councils have also played a crucial role in helping to consolidate national systems. innovation and that they support It is therefore essential for financing and stimulating research and innovation.

million. Osir stressed the need to organize annual general meetings and similar pledges by the participating countries, as they were essential to the success of the initiative.


Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal expressed his gratitude to the organizers for giving Ghana the privilege of hosting the regional meeting which, according to him, helped to strengthen the Image of the country on a global scale.

He declared that Ghana had decided to put science, technology and innovation At the center of its socio-economic development program

Dr. Awal said that Ghana had done better over the years. years to strengthen its human resource capacity, particularly in the development of scientific infrastructure, among other initiatives

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