HIV strain mutated in Canada turns into AIDS faster than usual, reports report


Study finds mutated HIV strain in Canada makes it easier for people to get AIDS faster than usual

Strain circulates in Saskatchewan, where 80% of people diagnosed are Aboriginal [19659003]. Doctors began reporting alarming rapid declines in patients in 2016, when the rate of HIV infection exploded to 10 times the rate of other regions.

A new study conducted by Vancouver's Simon Fraser University warns the community is the birthplace of a particularly aggressive strain, which is growing faster than modern medicine can do.

They believe that the virus probably fits a specific immune profile to the indigenous community.

  Strains of Saskatchewan, Canada, have an immunoresistant mutation, but 80% have one that is moving much faster than usual, warn researchers

<img id = "i-1c83173f18649f9c "src =" "height =" 423 "width =" 634 " alt = "Ninety-eight percent of strains in Saskatchewan Researchers warn that 88% of strains in Saskatchewan, Canada, have an immunoresistant mutation, but 80% have one that is moving much faster than "It takes years, sometimes it takes just a month or a year … and it's a lot more aggressive than we'll ever see otherwise," Dr. Alex Wong, a doctor of infectious diseases. "

Researchers at the British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV / AIDS compared 2,300 samples of Saskatchewan to others from Canada and the United States.

Unambiguously, they found higher levels of mutations that are resistant to the body's immune responses in Saskatchewan strains than in others.

Up to 98 percent of strains in Saskatchewan had an immunoresistant component.

002] But 80% of them had a particularly dangerous mutation that seemed to accelerate the disease. This mutation was also present in the United States and in other parts of Canada, but in only 25% of the samples.

"Doctors said something was wrong and people get sick very, very quickly. Lead author, Zabrina Brumme, associate professor of health sciences at Simon Fraser, told The Canadian Press

"It's almost as if the virus was more nasty."

The HIV is a virus that damages the cells of the immune system. weakens the ability to fight infections and diseases.

Without treatment, HIV can turn into AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which is a syndrome (or set of symptoms) and not a virus.

AIDS has been called "advanced stage of HIV". A person has AIDS when his immune system is too weak to fight infections. AIDS can not be transmitted from one person to another; HIV can

People diagnosed with HIV need to take lifelong medication to prevent them from turning into AIDS, which is often fatal.

Ten years ago, people with HIV had a shorter life expectancy. by suppressing the immune system, made the patients very vulnerable to deadly infections.

Today, anti-HIV drugs are much more sophisticated.

They allow HIV-positive people to live as long as anyone in good health. [19659002] They can also suppress the viral load to such an extent that it is undetectable and non-transmissible, which means that it is possible to have intimate relationships without transmitting them.

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