Houston Astros acquires reliever Roberto Osuna in trade with the Toronto Blue Jays


The Astros recovered right-handed reliever Roberto Osuna of the Toronto Blue Jays on Monday in exchange for a package including former Ken Giles of Houston

Hector Perez, 22, and David Paulino, 24 years, minor league pitchers. are also directed to Toronto in the case. According to MLB.com, Paulino was Houston's third hope ahead of his 80-game suspension last season for a DEP offense; Perez is the No. 10 Astros according to MLB.com

Osuna has not launched since May 6 and has served a suspension of 75 games for Major Violation. League Baseball's Domestic Violence Policy.

Osuna, 23, was arrested on May 8 and charged with assault. His next appearance is Wednesday, and he can be activated on Sunday.

"We are excited to welcome Roberto Osuna into our team," said Astros CEO and Baseball Operations President, Jeff Luhnow, in a statement. Press. "The due diligence of our front office has been unprecedented, we are confident that Osuna is full of remorse, has voluntarily respected all the consequences related to her past behavior, has proactively taken advice and will fully respect our policy of tolerance. zero in abuse of

"Roberto has very good examples of character in our existing clubhouse which, we believe, will help him and his family to make a fresh start and to continue with the Houston Astros, we look forward to Osuna's contributions as we head towards the end of the season. "

Osuna is 0-0 with nine saves and 15 strikeouts taken in 15⅓ this season, after a season All-Star 2017 -4 "with 39 saves and a 3.38" ERA

"I'm delighted to join the Houston Astros and move forward with a fresh start in my career, "said Osuna in the release of Astros. "The positive character of my new teammates is a big reason for their success and I am looking forward to making a positive contribution to this great group of guys as we work towards many more winning seasons." I thank Jeff Luhnow and all Astros organization for having believed in me – I will not let them down. "

Osuna is the closest to the Blue Jays since 2015 and is not eligible for the free agency until ### 39, in 2021.

Giles He had 34 saves for Houston last season, but he struggled in the playoffs with a 11.74 ERA in seven appearances

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