How many fruits, vegetables to eat to reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to a study


Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, scientists believe that there are factors that can reduce the risk of diagnosis. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables a day is one of them, according to a new report.

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Harvard researchers T.H. Chan School of Public Health recently conducted a study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, to explore the relationship between fruits and vegetables and the disease.

"Although previous studies have suggested an association, they have been limited in power, particularly for specific fruits and vegetables and aggressive subtypes of breast cancer," said co-author Maryam Farvid in a statement. . "This research provides the most complete picture of the importance of consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables for the prevention of breast cancer."

For the evaluation, they analyzed the dietary questionnaires submitted every four years by the participants. Nurses' Health Study II. Data go back to 1980 and include information on more than 180,000 women.

After analyzing the results, they found that women who ate more than 5.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a lower risk of breast cancer by 11%. to those who eat only 2.5 servings or less a day.

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They defined a serving as a cup of raw leafy vegetables, half a cup of raw or cooked vegetables, or half a cup of chopped or cooked fruit.

They noted cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and yellow and orange vegetables. They also found that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables was particularly related to a lower risk of more aggressive tumors.

High amounts of fiber in fruits and vegetables, have already been linked with a reduced risk of breast cancer. However, scientists have said that antioxidants and other micronutrients in foods can also be important. "Although a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is associated with many other health benefits," added author Heather Eliassen, "our findings could further encourage women to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables. "

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