India and China agree to maintain border tranquility as Prime Minister Narendra and Xi Jinping meet in South Africa


Johannesburg : India and China reiterated their commitment to maintain peace and tranquility along their border by improving communications between their armed forces during a meeting between Prime Minister Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping "The two leaders reaffirmed once again their willingness to give their military the necessary guidance to improve communications between them and maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas," said Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Vijay Gokhale.

AEM spokesman, Raveesh Kumar, also tweeted a photo of Prime Minister Modi's meeting with Xi on the sidelines of the BRICS summit

In addition to Xi, PM Modi also met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and had talks on a wide

The links between India and China have been affected because of 39, a clash between their armies for more than two months on the Doklam plateau at the India-Bhutan-China junction last year

The clash began in June when Indian troops objected to the construction of a road by the Chinese army in the region, citing the disputed status of the region and its proximity to the artery of India to the northeast.

New Delhi opposed the construction of Chinese roads at Doklam because of the disputed status and its proximity to the Siliguri corridor that connects northeastern India.

The clash ended in August after both sides withdrew from the tip of the faceoff.

Thursday's match was the third between Modi and Xi after their meeting informal in Wuhan. , China, in April initiated by Xi, and on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperatio n Summit (SCO) last month

During the Wuhan meeting, Modi and Xi pledged to keep the border between India and China and personally guiding their respective armies to avoid a Doklam-type military stalemate [19659002AccordingtoGokhalelorsoftheJohannesburgmeetingtwopartieshaveseen"anadvanceintheareasinwhichdelegationshavespecialdiscussionsonChina'simports"

He said that a delegation representing the Indian pharmaceutical industry would visit China. August 21-22

He also informed that Beijing had given approval to the importation of Indian generic drugs cancer treatment earlier this year.

"In addition, a number of Indian factories in the non-Basmati rice sector have" After the Modi-Xi meeting in Qingdao, the 2006 Protocol on phytosanitary requirements to export rice from the country. India to China was a Gokhale report called the bilateral meeting "very productive".

"The two leaders will meet again on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Argentina"

Earlier in the day, Mr. Modi and Mr. Xi attended the 10th BRICS Summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

Wednesday evening, the last leg of his visit to three countries in Africa

He had previously visited Rwanda and Uganda.

India is expected to sign memoranda of understanding in the areas of health and nutrition. education, skills, health and agriculture with South Africa

For the first time, a retreat of BRICS will be organized. BRICS cooperation over the decade and its future prospects

(With IANS entries)

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