Internet swoons in front of two penguins who take a romantic stroll on the beach (VIDEO) – RT World News


A video of two inseparable penguins who enjoy a walk hand in hand on the beach has become viral and people are completely overwhelmed by romance.

The film was captured on Boulder Beach in South Africa and shows a lovely couple emerging from a dip in the sea. They stand in the wet sand and take a few seconds to enjoy the moment together.

The two hold hands, or palms, and seem to look into each other's eyes. The video was shared on Twitter and viewed over 1.6 million times.

Commentators have been overwhelmed by the demonstration of love, many expressing their jealousy that their own relationships do not match. "These penguins are walking on the beach, I can not even get a txt back smh," a person wrote . "It's time to find someone new.Do not tidy.Penguins do not do it!" Another commentator replied.

Penguins, like lobsters , are known for their monogamy and have long inspired #relationshipgoals in humans

Male Penguins make great efforts to woo a woman, including spending hours searching for the perfect pebble to present to the desire of their heart. If the female is impressed, she puts the pebble in her nest and the two become sexual partners

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