Is Ant-Man In "Avengers 4"? The hero of the pint lacked "war to the infinite"


Avengers: Infinity War packed into a ton of Marvel heroes, but he does not understand everyone. One of the most egregious omissions was Ant-Man, who was explained as being absent due to being under house arrest – a result on his side with Steve Rogers during Captain America: Civil War . Now, with a sequel to the horizon, will Scott Lang join his comrades in trying to cancel the Thanos snap? Is Ant-Man in Avengers 4 ?

There are a lot of fans who do not know yet Avengers 4 including its title, but one thing we know is that Ant- The man is definitely in the movie. In addition to leaked photos of the set that show Paul Rudd filming scenes like Ant-Man for Avengers 4 the character was also officially confirmed to appear in the film. The writers of the film, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that Ant-Man has a role to play in the film, while Robert Downey Jr. revealed on Instagram – perhaps by accident – that Scott Lang is a character in the movie. But Ant-Man is not the only insect-related hero that will appear in Avengers 4. Hope van Dyne, aka Wasp, is also slated to play a role in the film.


Evangeline Lily, who interprets the Wasp, told Syfy Wire in 2016 that she would appear in Avengers 4 but not Infinity War . The reason? The producers wanted to give him his own movie to start before sending him to team with the rest of the Avengers. This was also the reason for the absence of Captain Marvel in Infinity War . She will debut in her own eponymous film next March before playing a key role in Avengers 4 two months later. The two characters, Captain Marvel and The Wasp, even share some scenes in the upcoming Avengers movie thanks to a statement by Lily on Entertainment Tonight where she says she became friends with Brie Larson (Captain Marvel) during the shooting Avengers 4 .

What kind of role will Ant-Man play in Avengers 4 ? That's the question at $ 64,000. Until now, no plot details have been released from the film and everyone involved is basically kept secret, so all fans must continue at this stage are rumors. And the rumors that circulate are pretty wild. On the basis of some widely circulated shots of the set, some believe that the film will feature either a trip back in time or an alternate universe. The reason is that the film seems to recreate the Battle of New York from the first Avengers movie, with the original Avengers appearing in their 2012 costumes. But the only noticeable difference is the presence of Ant-Man, which stands tidy at their side. Does this mean that the story is rewritten to cancel the destruction of Thanos, and in the process, Ant-Man ended up being a founder Avenger in this weathered timeline? Or is it this scene of an alternate universe that resembles the MCU but has slight differences, as Ant-Man is a founder Avenger?


Another rumor that circulates in the theory of time travel involves Ant- The girl of the man, Cassie Lang. The rumor comes from a report from That Hashtag Show that claims that Emma Fuhrmann was portrayed as a teenage version of the character. Since Cassie Lang is still quite young in Ant-Man & the Wasp this would mean that the film unfolds in part in the future. The report is not confirmed, but if it is true, it adds even more importance to the role of Ant-Man in Avengers 4

There There are a ton of questions around Avengers 4 but one that can certainly be answered positively is whether Ant-Man – and the Wasp – will be in the movie.

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