It is not wrong to compare Trump's America to the Holocaust. Here's why.


When white nationalists met in Charlottesville last August and clashed with counterpronectors, President Trump said that there was "both sides." (Joshua Roberts / Reuters)

The Holocaust has endured abusive and absurd comparisons of political life. Both ends of the spectrum are too often seeking to use their emotional and historical power to advance their completely independent agendas. Pat Robertson has bizarrely invoked it, saying: " What Nazi Germany did to the Jews, liberal America now makes to evangelical Christians … This is no different. " On the other hand, people for the ethical treatment of animals) has constantly and shamelessly abused the memory of the Holocaust for its animal rights program. A video on his website includes what looks like a Holocaust survivor testimony and is presented with the words: "From the farm-plant to your plate, the animals follow the same process that the Nazis followed for The Holocaust. "

With such ignorant, irrational and offensive appropriations, it is not surprising that many are pushing back the current comparisons with the Trump administration. These refutations of the use of Holocaust comparisons with reference to the administration came stridently from various sides. The columnist Daniella Greenbaum would forbid us to "compare all wrongs, even those that Trump does, to the ills of Nazi Germany." She claims that these comparisons "draw" current events into "another (much more cruel) catastrophe". A writer for conservative American Spectator called "despicable" and "cheap" comparisons. American Jews are themselves divided. Some have seen "parallels" between the administration and Nazi politics, while others, like Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, have termed such comparisons of morally wobbly "and then doubled, suggesting that they" border "19459034" Elie Wiesel, Nobel laureate and survivor of Auschwitz, who died in 2016, categorically stated, "I do not compare anything to the 39; Holocaust. Indeed, some scholars have suggested that the Holocaust was a unique historical event and therefore incomparable to any other event, past or present

. Can we really never compare the Holocaust to the events of modern politics? The learned community has a duty to engage the issue. If we really adhere to the "never again", we also bear the responsibility to help others recognize when "again" is now. Paradoxically, the well-known historian Richard Evans recently made the somewhat surprising comment (for a historian) in Slate that "it is very dangerous to think simply in historical parallels". parallels are precisely what we should look for; parallels do not intersect, which means that current events do not have to reflect historical events accurately or severely to benefit from historical reflection.

The most convincing (and useful) rejection may be from Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt is a renowned Holocaust specialist and knows exactly what is at stake regarding the uses of the Holocaust since she herself fought and won her battle against the denier of the Holocaust. Holocaust David Irving. She rightly argues that comparisons of the Holocaust give officials a chance to evade responsibility by shifting the "conversation to the adequacy of comparison and the accuracy of the parallel". Lipstadt further emphasizes that "it is important to distinguish methods and objectives. "She is right on both counts, and we should take her advice, but that does not mean that comparisons between the Holocaust and contemporary situations must be rejected from the outset." Similar arguments have been made. against the comparison of the Holocaust with any other genocide, yet there is a growing and rigorous field of comparative genocide studies that does just that.It recognizes that all genocides are unique in their own historical context but that they all have elements in common that are both instructive for both understanding the past and interpreting the future. First, it can not be emphasized enough that, of course, we do not have to. We are not dealing with a genocidal regime in the US On this point, Lipstadt, Evans and many other opponents of the comparison are unequivocal.Many elements of the Nazi recast of the United States. Germany in a fascist state are absent or unlikely to occur in the United States. Anyone who claims that the genocide is on the horizon should work for PETA and not analyze current events. Conversely, no genocide begins with mass slaughter. There is no reason for historical comparisons to focus immediately on the final solution, the murder of the Jews. After all, the Nazis themselves did not leave this solution thinking about their imaginary problem. They pursued other options, none of which was benign but none required the physical extermination of the Jews. Genocide – and dictatorships, by the way – are not born. On the contrary, they begin gradually, with authoritarianism, racism, ethnic myths and dehumanizing language, among other things. It is here that comparisons of the Holocaust can and must be made. Lipstadt is absolutely right that care and precision are paramount. It is precisely this care and precision that other scholars should bring to the public square.

The perpetrators of genocide and persecution do not rule in a historical vacuum. They are aware of the ideologies and methods of the genocidal systems that preceded them. Yale historian, Ben Kiernan, has documented this genealogy of knowledge. The colonial company of Virginia, for example, considered the Spaniards as a guide for its policy of enslavement of the Amerindians. The Nazis were also very aware of the genocides and racial policies of the past. The racial laws of Nuremberg were based on an earlier version used in the colony of German South West Africa (Namibia), site of the first genocide of 20 century. Hitler himself called the memory of the persecutions and genocides of the past to inform his own policy during the Holocaust. He considered Roman antiquity as a partial inspiration for planned policies of intentional starvation in Eastern Europe. He called the Spanish conquistador Cortes "moderate man". Referring to Thomas Jefferson's Indian abduction policy, Hitler called the Volga River "our Mississippi," where inferior races were to be conducted. Ultimately, perhaps most relevant to current debates, Hitler commented with admiration that America, using racist guidelines, had "established specific criteria for immigration" in an attempt to maintain the racial purity.

In the modern context, let us first recognize that there are valid comparisons . Lipstadt states, for example, that "the Nazis did not aim at separation, but extermination". This is true, but only from 1941. Before that, they used emigration as a means of expelling Jews and camps to encourage this emigration; Child detention centers, properly compared to concentration camps, have already been described as an attempt to discourage immigration, and US immigration policy is certainly harder than the Nazis sought to eliminate a group already. present. Abraham Miller, a political scientist, argues that Jews "were not a potential economic burden on countries that could have taken them". Again, this is only partially correct. The Jews were fleeing ethnic persecution in Germany. But because the Nazis sought to extract as much wealth as possible before letting them go, they represented a potential economic burden and that was one of the barriers preventing successful immigration to safe places. Evans rightly suggests that there may be different warning signs. However, it is not clear why he writes of "brutalization and militarization of politics" as peculiar to the Nazi state. It seems to argue that because the levels of violence are not the same that such a transition does not take place. Yet Trump as a presidential candidate has explicitly called for violence during his campaign. I repeat that we are not facing gas chambers, it is useful to focus on the beginnings of the Nazi movement and its popularity.

The well-documented use of dehumanizing language by Trump is another similarity to the beginnings of Nazism. rule. It addresses a particular population of disgruntled voters, as did the Nazis. After all, its rallying cry "America First" was "the motto of the pro-Nazi Americans in the 1930s." Moreover, his support or, at best, the tolerance of modern Nazi groups in the United States, embodied by his "relativism". on both sides "comments after the protests in my hometown of Charlottesville last August, says that the history of the Holocaust and the Nazis must continue to be part of our criticism. The Nazis who descended on Charlottesville shouted "Blood and earth!" – the same racist slogan as their counterparts in Germany. Admittedly, the Nazis and white supremacists are not statistically close to the majority of Trump's supporters, but his apparent refusal to renounce their admiration for him must be troubling.

Politically, the president has certainly taken measures from those of the first Nazi movement. As Evans rightly notes, his propaganda machine would be immediately familiar to Joseph Goebbels' Nazi office. The recent decree-law that subjects administrative law judges to executive power can only be seen as an attempt to bring the courts into line with the political ideology of the administration. The Nazis called this "Gleichschaltung" or coordination, while they sought to co-opt governmental and private organizations. Even his management style has similarities with Hitler. Like Trump, Hitler was reluctant to yield too much authority to a subordinate, and his cabinet (which he never called) was a den of minions and laborers seeking support from Hitler, who was the only one to decide the policy. There are similarities with Trump, even though he did not reach that level of dominance. Let's be clear: Trump is not Hitler; Hitler was undoubtedly a much more astute politician with deep convictions and the means to turn a nascent democracy into a totalitarian state, which should be much more difficult here. Nevertheless, these historical comparisons are not hyperbolic and should at least make us think.

There is this, for example: John Fitzgerald, a GOP congressional candidate in California, said live on the radio that "everything we have been told about the Holocaust is a lie. He continued to receive 23 percent of the primary vote, making him the official Republican candidate in the House of Representatives. The GOP approved it, and then retracted it. This is not an isolated event. In Illinois, Arthur Jones, the denier of the Holocaust, won the Republican primary for the state house. The "most prominent conservative challenger" of Republican seat Paul D. Ryan in Wisconsin is a white and anti-Semitic nationalist. When the Nazis run for office, "never again" seems to take on a new urgency. After all, the historical Nazis did not take power illegally at first; they were elected.

If there is a glimmer of hope for careful, nuanced and appropriate comparisons of modern politics to the Holocaust, it may be the education of our electorate. A recent survey showed that the Americans were terribly ignorant of the historical event. Judicious, reasoned and thoughtful comparisons and analogies with the Nazi period, especially its early years before the gas chambers and Auschwitz, could not only encourage the public to take a closer look at current events, but also inform them. The Holocaust that some politicians now deny has already happened. We should take Lipstadt's warning seriously, but in addition, rather than withdrawing the Holocaust from our analysis, we should use its lessons carefully but powerfully, where appropriate, to highlight troubling developments in our own country. () {});
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