July 4, 2018 New lunar astrology forecasts that will help all zodiac signs to make the most of this lunar event


The July astrological formation is denser than Coachella's main stage. First of all, it is the eclipse season. Then six planets are scheduled to be retrograde during the summer, five of which will take place simultaneously in July. Now, it seems that we can also count on the moon to add its lunar layer to the July astrological vibe. The astrology predictions of the new July moon are swept into planetary movements. But do not worry, this vertiginous month will not leave you feeling like you have just come down from an intense roller coaster. There is a lot of thought to be hoped for.

Expect to feel the impact of the new moon from July 12 at 10:47 pm. AND, according to Time and Date . As always, the sky does not seem bright since this phase of the moon produces about zero moonbeams. But things will be enlightened on a more spiritual level. The new lunar phase of the lunar cycle is considered a good time for a new beginning. Because, you know, the new moon is the beginning of a new cycle. However, because of Mars, the planet of action, being retrograde and a partial solar eclipse occurring on the same day, the new moon of July is so much more than just a new beginning. It is more than a reminder. What seems quite appropriate for a summer moon

Go With The Flow


Astrologically the pros advise all Earthmen to hook up on the navigation system of the. Universe on July 12 for the first eclipse of July the new moon. Even if you are confused by the road that it takes you, it is important to stay the course. Eclipses are considered important moments of change and transformation. Even if the road seems a little sketchy or frankly out, the destination that is connected is still your biggest goal. The thing that must be.

Forever Conscious assures, "If things fall or break during the Eclipse season, it's usually a good idea to pay attention and follow the flow."

Things from the past will come


We have not had partial solar eclipse in Cancer since 2011. According to Allure "For the first time since 2011 The lunar nodes (which reveal the upper and lower limits of the lunar orbit) will begin to oscillate on the Cancer and Capricorn axis for the next two years. "If things come to the surface when they begin to resurface, recognize them. And if 2011 was totally unpredictable, the energy of this new moon could begin to propel you on a totally new path.

But there will be new beginnings


Even though the past decides to check how you've been since it's become history, that does not mean you'll be stuck over there. It's 2018 and 2011 is still so 2011 . Things have changed, including you! And guess what? You will continue to change – or better yet, to transform. The new July moon will always be the beginning of something new. Forever Conscious says, "Think of it as new super charged moons that help us move forward and make us think of the new. Take note of who appears and what events occur during this ~ phase ~. All of this has the potential to be what to expect further down the path of the Universe that guides you down. Remember, are we going with the feed?

You Should Expect Things to Slow Down


There are a lot going on, but as Mars is currently retrograde, all these new vibrations might not be immediate affect. Mars, the planet of action, changes the rhythm of things and offers a time for reflection. It is now time to be patient. This is the right time to watch instead of ticking off the list of things to do. Even if you find it more frustrating than invigorating, just know that you are going to go ahead. If you went with the current and really meditated on the morality of The Turtle and the Hare (warning spoiler: slow and steady wins the race), you can expect satisfactory results on the road.

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