Kano releases a programmable Harry Potter wand this fall


Wingardium leviosa! Kano, which produces a variety of children's computer coding products, continues to go beyond the PC with the announcement of its partnership with Warner Bros. to create a Harry Potter coding kit, a programmable wand and a magical world in Kano's apps. "How do you build a computer company that gives users an understanding and influence on technology?" Asks Kano CEO and co-founder Alex Klein. The answer is to broaden the audience of people who could learn the coding principles and give them a better idea of ​​the technology in their lives by associating with one of the franchises the most appreciated in the world.

[Photo: courtesy of Kano]

The kit, available for preorder starting today and will be on sale at retail stores on October 1, will cost $ 99 and will include a computer board with an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. The sensors are programmable and allow users to run spells (such as levitation that my six year old daughter cries to me often enough) and explore the coding challenges included in the six parameters of the magical world, including the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts. As with Kano's earlier products, users can choose to share their creations, drawings and spells in Kano World for others to enjoy.

[Photo: courtesy of Kano]

When I ask Klein how his five-year-old startup has raised According to Crunchbase, a $ 44.5 million financing has ended up bringing out a brand-name product in the world of Harry Potter, which is estimated at 25 Billion dollars, he tells me two stories. One, "there was always a desire of the team to connect with comics and movies and to use narration and character, to embellish the narration." More prosaically, but perhaps more importantly, the kit of 29 The STEM product that Walmart sold last year and the leaders of the distribution giant have suggested to Klein to get closer to Warner Bros. in order to associate with this idea of ​​a stick that can be built in code.

and start creating programs with, and it was very satisfying. As mentioned above, my daughter is crazy about Harry Potter right now, and it was impossible not to imagine her pleasure in shaping her own Harry Potter world, in the same way that she uses our dogs or her toys as starting points. own stories. Perhaps the coolest part of Kano's perspective on Potter is that users are themselves and not one of JK's characters from Rowling, and as Klein notes, "This is not a copy carbon of something in the series. "

After all, he adds, "There is a small secret group of wizards in our world that can move objects behind a veil of secrecy.They are called programmers, and their powers are given only to some by design, but you can learn these powers and create your own magic. "

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