Corrections and Clarifications: An earlier version of this story stated that the two criminal charges of attempted burglary were thrown out. – Kellen Winslow II, the NFL's tight end, already facing multiple charges of rape and kidnapping, was arrested Thursday on a new indictment – forcible rape of a 17-year-old woman. Winslow, now 34, was 19 at the time of the alleged June 2003 rape in a San Diego County residence, according to Dan Owens, assistant district attorney in San Diego County.

"California law allows certain specified sexual offenses to be charged regardless of the timing of their commission under certain circumstances," Owens said. "These circumstances are met in the present case …

" When there is a rape that occurs and the victim is under 18, there is no delay legal (deadline) when it can be charged. That's exactly what we have here. "

Owens refused to provide information when asked if the publicity surrounding the previous charges led the alleged victim, now 32, to introduce himself.

The Other Charge (s) include two counts of rape, two Winslow pleaded not guilty to all counts Thursday at a preliminary hearing in San Diego County Court

Read more : Victim of alleged rape identifies Kellen Winslow II's attorney as an aggressor

The other two alleged victims are 58 and 54, and one of them stated that she was homeless at that time, USA TODAY does not disclose the identity of the alleged victims. "Harry M. Elias reduced two counts of attempted burglary into misdemeanors, but Winslow risked a life sentence for the eight police chiefs Elias found ample evidence to go ahead on these charges.

Lease to 2 million dollars. Winslow's lawyers said he would issue bail and be released Thursday or Friday

The next court hearing is set for August 17.

Winslow's mother, Katrina Ramsey, cried in court and her father, Kellen Winslow Sr. Hall of Fame, was shown optimistic when he spoke to friends and family members.

Winslow II remained impassive during the court proceedings and has been detained since his arrest on June 14.

During the final deliberations, Winslow II's principal attorney, Harvey Steinberg, stated that he expected the case to be heard and that "it will be hotly contested".

Follow Peter on Twitter @ joshlpeter11


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