Launching Netflix's smart download feature, automatically downloading a new episode when you're done


Netflix launched an offline viewing feature about two years ago, allowing users to download movies and shows. But now, it makes the download function smarter and more user-friendly. With the new "Smart Downloads" feature, Netflix removes episodes you've already watched, and then downloads the next episode after your device is connected to Wi-Fi. Notably, the new feature is initially only available on Android devices, and is aimed at episodic series, no movies or specials. It will be available soon on iOS devices.

The latest novelty is an evolution of Netflix's mobile experience, which has grown in popularity since its first launch in 2010. With the new Smart Downloads feature, the Netflix app will automatically detect when you're done to watch an episode. It will then be deleted from your device and automatically download the next episode. Notably, you can also download multiple episodes from one series at a time, but remember that it will not download the entire seasons.

"We know how annoying it can be to browse all your applications and delete files, and we understand that when it comes to Netflix, the faster you can access the next episode you want to watch. , better it is: whether it's a smart download or a mobile preview, we realize that the best part of Netflix is ​​the stories you'll like in an easier and more fun way, "he said. said Cameron Johnson, director of product innovation, Netflix, in a statement.

To find out how the new Smart Downloads feature works, here's an example – If you have After downloading episodes 1, 2 and 3 d & A show, and you have finished watching episode 1, the Netflix app will automatically delete episode 1 and download episode 4. If you want to review old episodes and keep them in your downloads, you can also choose to disable the Smart Downloads feature. To do this, click on the icon Downloads and at the top of the section My Downloads select Smart Downloads . Here, use the toggle to disable smart downloads. You can also enable or disable it from the settings – press the icon from the menu and scroll down and select Application Settings . Under section Downloads use toggle to disable Smart Downloads .

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The Smart Netflix The download feature is an optional automatic refresh feature. "We also want to emphasize that giving consumers more control over their entertainment experience is at the heart of everything we do," Johnson said.

As mentioned earlier, the Smart Downloads feature is available on Android phones and tablets as early as July 10th. However, the streaming giant has not specified exactly how much of the content of its platform is available for download. In general, Netflix does not have the rights for offline viewing of each show.

The Smart Downloads feature only turns on when you are connected to Wi-Fi, so your data plan will not be used. This will not impact the storage of your device either, as it will always delete the last watched episode before downloading the next one.

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